The Speed of Belief –(Excerpt) by Ttracy K. Smith
In memoriam Floyd William Smith 1935–2008
When your own sweet father died
You woke before first light
And ate half a plate of eggs and grits,
And drank a glass of milk.
After you’d left,I sat in your place
And finished the toast bits with jam
And the cold eggs, the thick bacon
Flanged in fat, savoring the taste.
Then I slept, too young to know how narrow
And grave the road before you seemed—
All the houses zipped tight, the night’s
Few clouds muddy as cold coffee.
You stayed gone a week, and who were we
Without your clean profile nicking away
At anything that made us afraid?
One neighbor sent a cake. We ate
The baked chickens, the honeyed hams.
We bowed our heads and prayed
You’d comeback safe,
Knowing you would. 作者: 如花 时间: 2014-9-12 11:41
阅读,学习。作者: 闽中林木 时间: 2014-9-12 16:26