主编:张智 赖廷阶
Editors-in-Chief: Zhang Zhi & Lai Tingjie
出 品:国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC)
Publishers: The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre
Editorial Committee of WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK (English Edition)
Notice to Contributors WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK 2015 (English Edition)
Dear poet friend,
In order to promote the exchange, research, translation and development of the world poetry, The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre, after nearly a year of careful planning, decided to compile and publish WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK (English Edition) since 2013, which is published one volume a year, so we solicit contributions from any poet and poetry critic with influence, achievement and capability all over the world. The detailed information is as flows:
Please send six or eight of your excellent poems (in English, each not exceed 60 lines), a short resume of your art experience and achievement (in English, within 250 words; its main substance includes: name, pen name, sex, date of birth, birthplace, nationality, experience of job, from which year you begin to write or publish your works, main achievements in poetry writing, prizes, major publications of poems and etc.), and two color photographs or black-and-white photographs, e-mail, Tel, and your postal address, post code to me via e-mail. All of these must be written in English.
We also welcome you to send the important review article (in English, not exceed 2,500 words) and information about poetry (in English, not exceed 500 words).
In addition, we also welcome you recommend your country or other countries’ alive poets, thank you very much.
Any poet or poetry critic with influence, achievement and capability in poetry writing or poetry criticism, in any country, any language, any nation, any religion, age and sex, is welcome to send his/her works to us.
Your poems, biography and a photo, will be included in WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK 2015 (English Edition). After the publication, each poet or poetry critic whose works has been recorded in will get one copy sent by post all free of charge, and part of the copies will be presented to the UN Library, UNESCO, Nobel Prize Committee, NDL of the important countries, libraries of famous universities, major literary newspapers, periodicals and outstanding literary research specialists all over the world.
Due to the magnitude of the project and the limitation of time and manpower, all contributions must be sent to iptrc1995@126.com via e-mill.
The deadline is March 10, 2016,
The date of publication: May 2016.
Address: P. O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City 400020, P. R. CHINA
All the best!
The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre
Editorial Committee of WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK (English Edition)
January 25, 2016
Editorial Committee of WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK (English Edition)
主编:张智 赖廷阶
Editors-in-Chief: Zhang Zhi & Lai Tingjie
译审:张智中 Aaron Anthony Vessup [美国]
Translation Revisers: Zhang Zhizhong & Aaron Anthony Vessup (USA)
编委Editing Members:
Teresinka Pereira [美国USA]
Adolf P. Shvedchikov [俄罗斯Russia]
Athanase Vantchev de Thracy [法国France]
Shanta Acharya [英国UK]
Kurt F. Svatek [奥地利Austria]
Nadia-Cella Pop [罗马尼亚Romania]
R.K. Singh [印度India]
Zacharoula Gaianaki [希腊Greece]
Niels Hav [丹麦Denmark]
Luiza CAROL [以色列Israel]
Susana Roberts [阿根廷Argentina]
Muhammad Shanazar [巴基斯坦Pakistan]
Giovanni Campisi [意大利Italy]
Jeton Kelmendi [阿尔巴尼亚Albania]
Rubi Andredakis [塞浦路斯Cyprus]
Dilek Değerli [土耳其Turkey]
英文版《世界诗歌年鉴2013》 《世界诗歌年鉴2014》出版发行
The English edition of “World Poetry Yearbook 2013” & “World Poetry Yearbook 2014” was published