Italian Poet, Fabrizio Frosini’s Letter to Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations
for the Global Poetry Anthology ‘POETRY AGAINST TERROR’ e-book
Translated by Sophy Chen, Sophy Chen translated and published, 2016-02-04, GZ, China)
His Excellency Mr Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Office of the Secretary-General
1st ave. and 46th street
New York, NY 10017 USA
Dear Mr Secretary General,
As a world citizen who loves peace and is adamantly against any kind of violence, I wish to inform your office of a project that came about after the brutal murders of so many innocent people in Paris, on November 13th, 2015. The project has been given the title
as a tribute to the countless victims of terror, worldwide.
The book, which is an anthology of poetry, is a compilation of poems written by 64 poets from 42 different countries from all over the world. Through the poems, we, the poets, wish to express our unanimous desire for universal peace and to add our voice to those other unequivocal voices at the United Nations who say ‘NO’ to the scourge of terrorism that has horrifically affected so many human beings in so many locations around the globe.
The project, which was, primarily my own response to recent events in Paris, has grown to become the collective response of a large number of world poets, all of whom believe in liberty, equality and fraternity and who are totally against violence —against terror.
I am writing to you on behalf of all the poets involved in the project because we would like our message to reach the greatest number of people across the world as is possible. Particularly regarding the young, it would be wonderful having the book distributed freely to schools so to help people learn a message of peace and reject discrimination and hatred.
It is our fervent hope that your office kindly pass this information on to all the delegates of the United Nations and request their help in passing on the information further to colleagues working in national and international organizations that promote peace, especially those operating in the fields of culture and education.
I am grateful for your assistance,
Yours sincerely,
Fabrizio Frosini
(on behalf of the sixty-four ‘Poets against Terror’)