I want to be an event at the event horizon
I want to be a fire at the fire wall
To occur, to evolve, to devolve
To be with other events before they occur
To cross the limit, to enter the nowhere
To be the ultimate no return
To catch the last kiss before it is gone
My information, let it go
For this is the ultimate dark hole
Let all lights escape to the world side
But I carry my last secret, and my soul
If you pull me out, I simply say no
But I am also the gentle wave
Carrying nothing but true gravity
Even if you don't feel it, I am touching
Even if you don't see it, you are responding
With your length, or your width
With your body, and also your heart
I am the invisible pull in gravity
I am the gentleness in the gentle wave
If this world is full of dark holes
In fierce firestorms I want to burn them all
If this world is destined
Let it loudly begin in the silent end