Well, I am thinking this may be my last
summer, but cannot lose even a part (8)
of pleasure in the old-fashioned art
of idleness. I cannot stand aghast
at whatever doom hovers in the background
while grass and trees and the somnolent river
who know they are allowed to last for ever
exchange between them the whole subdued sound (3)
of this hot time. What sudden fearful fate
can deter my shade wandering next year
from a return? Whistle, and I will hear (4)
and come another evening when this boat
travels with you alone towards Iffley:
as you lie looking up for thunder again,
this cool touch does not betoken rain; (7)
it is my spirit that kisses your mouth lightly.
Well, I am thinking this may be my last
summer, but cannot lose even a part (8)
of pleasure in the old-fashioned art
of idleness. I cannot stand aghast
at whatever doom hovers in the background
while grass and trees and the somnolent river
who know they are allowed to last for ever
exchange between them the whole subdued sound (3)
of this hot time. What sudden fearful fate
can deter my shade wandering next year
from a return? Whistle, and I will hear (4)
and come another evening this boat
travels with you alone towards Iffley:
as you lie looking up for thunder again,
this cool touch does not betoken rain; (7)
it is my spirit that kisses your mouth lightly.
译 注:
1. 首先致谢译友选来好诗,大家分享共勉
2. 原作语感:既坚韧、刚毅,郁郁悲壮,又肝肠细腻、柔情入微,尽显亲情大爱,尽显担当气概男儿豪迈
3. exchange:本作理解:交换意见
4. Whistle :本作理解:鸣笛起航;参考:a bird rushed up in a whistle