Version 1
The Song of the Wandering son
Threads from the hands of a doting mother
Worked into the clothes of a far-off journeying son
Before his departure,were the close,fine stitches set,
Lest haply his return be long delayed,
The heart -the inch- long grass-
Who will contend that either repay
The gentle brightness of the Third Month of Spring
(Tr. Amy Lowell)
Version 2
Song of a Roamer
The threads in a kind mothers hand-
A gown for her bound for a far-off land.
Sown stitch by stitch before he leaves
For fear his return be delayed.
Such kindness as yong grass receives
From the warm sun cant be repaid.
(Tr. Xu Yuanchong)
原文中“遲迟归”一词中,“迟迟”运用叠字,读起来朗朗上口,表达出母亲担心儿子晚归。Lowell译为be long delayed;许译为 be delayed,二人译法大同小异,只给出诗歌的含义,没有把原文的叠字译出,失去了诗歌的“味”无法再现原文。其次,在三四句中“密密缝”和“迟迟归”完美的动词对仗,可谓一大特点。在Lowell的译文中为the close,fine stitches set 和 be long delayed把“密密缝”的动态转化为了静态;许的译文为sown stitch by stitch 和be delayed。许的译文用了动态并且把“密密”译为“stitch by stitch”与之对应,但是“迟迟”却译成叠字。汉语是声调的语言,有平声、上声、去声和入声。中国古典诗歌对韵律、平仄和押韵有严格规定。古诗英译的过程中,英语较少用韵脚,中外译者只译出原诗的意思,而诗的韵律之美却难以表现。《游子吟》的声调是:平仄仄平仄,平仄平仄平。平平仄仄平,仄仄平平平。平平仄仄平,仄平平平平。由此可以看出平仄 在古诗中交错使用产生抑扬顿挫之感,构成音韵之美。在Lowell和许渊冲先生的英译版本中注重用抑扬格构成押韵,无法表达出古诗声调带来的美感。
中国和西方在诗歌创作手法隐喻意象方面有很大差异。例如,“慈母手中线”中的“线”古典诗歌中暗含留恋或牵挂的意思;而在英文中‘thread却无此意。“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”中国古典诗歌中“寸草”和“三春晖”有独特的含义。“寸草”指小草,象征着子女;“三春晖”中三春指的是孟春、仲春、季春,晖指的是阳光;“三春晖”象征着母爱犹如春天和煦的阳光。中国读者看来,读到“寸草”和“三春晖”就会明白诗歌是对母爱的歌颂。而在英译时,“grass”和“brightness of the Third Month of Spring”英语国家读者心目中就是草和三月的阳光和母爱毫无关联。