标题: 伊 朗 微 诗 - From《 The Book of Absence 》汉 译《 阙 如 札 记 》(摘 录) [打印本页] 作者: 李_世_纯 时间: 2022-1-29 10:41 标题: 伊 朗 微 诗 - From《 The Book of Absence 》汉 译《 阙 如 札 记 》(摘 录)
伊 朗 微 诗 - From《 The Book of Absence 》汉 译《 阙 如 札 记 》(摘 录)
About This Poem“This is not poetry. This is a reading of the moment. Read it in the moment and pass on. Do not linger. Go. We don’t go to places. We go from places. We are dedicated to going, not staying. In going, we fade away. Consider my poetry as if you are walking down a road. Someone calls your name. You turn your head. There is nobody around. The road is deserted. Empty. You tell yourself somebody must have been there. But there is no one. Consider my poetry like that moment.” —Alireza Roshan, translated by Erfan Mojib and Gary Gach/关于原作,诗人有所附注:“这里所写,类各实地、第一时间、纪实寓意研讨探索,非诗作;此各纪实,须设身处地,读进意境去,读出意味来;不可浅尝辄止,一目而过。您可以做一假设,设想:读着这些诗写,如同行走在某条路上;想象:有人喊您,可转过头去,发现路上空旷无人;想象:您发现这路被人走过,但已荒废。关于我这诗写主题立意,可以认作,正如您这假设一样,仿佛您走在某条路上那一景况。” ——阿里雷萨 · 罗斯汉(原作);埃尔凡 · 莫吉布(原作英译,伊朗作家和翻译家),噶里 · 加奇(原作英译,美国作家和翻译家)
From "The Book of Absence” —— by Alireza Roshan (IRAN / ~ )
—— Eng. Trans: Erfan Mojib and Gary Gach(IRAN & USA) 阙 如 札 记(摘 录) —— 原 作 / 阿里雷萨 · 罗斯汉 ( 伊朗 / ~ )
—— 英 译 / 埃尔凡 · 莫吉布,噶里 · 加奇(伊朗 & 美国)
—— 解 读 - 汉 译 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2022. 1. 20
一. 原 文 / 中 译 文 / 解 读
The foot
that brought me to You
in a bread line
plays with a pebble
Missing someone
is a mother
who leaves the front door ajar
I want to open a door
onto a sea & a night
I want to open a door
onto you c
who are the sea & the night
a. 赞同有学者云:文化的相似性是人性相同的反映。看似本文七则体例、主题,无不雷同我国格言、成语、谚语、歇后语
b. 此处词义:象/如/同 ... ... 一样
c. 此处词义: 你们
d. 中外互译,归根结底——人文互译;一个单词、一个文字,无论中外,其真正含义、生命活力,不仅在专家学者的词典、时尚强大的百度,也不仅在词法、句法、语法,而更多体现在实地的、实践中的语言、语句、语境、篇章的字里行间;翻译要完美原意,更要完美传递;原意传递要完美,其载体修辞,修辞差异之切换,之对接,不可或缺