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发表于 2015-5-9 10:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


                         威廉•华兹华斯  Willian Wordsworth


                                        孤独的割麦人

 看那远处的麦地中间,
 有一位孤独的高原姑娘!
 不要靠近,悄悄躲开,
 她独自一人在收割歌唱!
 形只影单,边割边捆,
 曲调带着寂寞忧伤;
 听啊,那歌声悠悠,
 把深遂的山谷震响。

 夜莺难与她的歌声相比,
 让精疲力竭的游人神清气爽;
 即使身处阿拉伯燥热的沙漠,
 也会感到绿洲的阴凉;
 胜似春日杜鹃的啼号,
 动人心魄,荡气回肠;
 即使遥远的赫布利底群岛,
 宁静的大海也会掀起巨浪。

 她的歌声谁能听懂,
 她的曲调谁会欣赏?
 是在诉说哀怨的往事,
 还是感叹古代的战场?
 或者只是哼唱小曲,
 絮叨每天每日的家常?
 或者倾吐难免的失落、痛苦,
 还有充满人生的悲伤?

 尽管姑娘的歌唱无人听懂,
 那歌声似乎无尽地悠长;
 只见她一边吟唱一边割麦,
 弓身弯腰,手中镰刀挥扬;
 我摒气凝神,专心倾听,
 不觉来到高高的山岗,
 那歌声虽已戛然而止,
 余音却还在心中久久回荡。

The Solitary Reaper
BEHOLD her, single in the field,
Yon solitary Highland Lass!
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here, or gently pass!
Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the Vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

No Nightingale did ever chaunt
More welcome notes to weary bands 
Of travellers in some shady haunt,
Among Arabian sands:
A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard
In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas 
Among the farthest Hebrides.

Will no one tell me what she sings?—
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago: 
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?

Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang 
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o'er the sickle bending;—
I listen'd, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill, 
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.

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