中 诗《 穿 过 现 实 的 音 符 》英 译《 A musical note through the reality 》
穿 过 现 实 的 音 符 —— 原 作 / 潭潭 - 2022. 1. 29
—— 翻 译 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2022.12. 29
春召唤 旋转
是一瞬光 轻轻弹奏
A musical note through the reality ——by Tantan - January 29, 2022
——Translator/Li Shichun - Changchun, China - December 29, 2022
Like a drop of winter rain,
Or a flash of light, forever,
With the rotation of spring's summoning,
Played through the reality, as a musical note,
Back and forth, always would I go
To my hometown, with no telling even though,
In the direction of the Chinese New Year.