本帖最后由 幽林石子 于 2013-12-31 19:08 编辑
(东海仙子简介:上海旅游高等专科学校副教授,《旅游科学》英文编辑,著名翻译家。翻译作品荣获中国当代诗歌奖(2011-2012)翻译奖 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6977cafb0101cjix.html )
Dear, let Your Courser be on the Wing in This Autumn
I know you and your courser are en route ,And the words of dream have come to the ants’ear。The small and slender shapes step with your secret to the fore,And they’ll reside with you as your neighbor next door.
Your horse suddenly snorts several snorts,And is choked into tears by the hot words。The mane sliding through your palms danse goodly GB,
The two flying shadows on the grassland,Are running toward the lass of a far-away land。
A word is on the tip of your tongue,Starlight in the dark wood is so faint,That only the grasshopper can see clearly,With two hot streams of tear soak a ground of moonlight。The concentrate of the happiness of this autumn,Is deeply buried in the arms of the green leaves。
The open plain ahead is getting blushed by and by,In the flowing silvery light, the binded long hair flies at top speed。The bashful horse has to bend its head down,For it’s clear that its hoofs has been buried in the plots of the story,Where sentences low and highAre recounting the temperature of future.
Please don’t take off skirts of stars and fly,And make me pursue to the back of moonlight。So many horses are conveying their emotions,From which whip shadowsCan I pick out the one of mine?
Come on, bring your beloved mare!For I’ve prepared for it a good woodland,When its milk is getting richer and richer,When the songs in the wood is more melodious and clear。The two pairs of eyes will water each other with tenderness and care,And in moonlight we’ll plant the only fairy tale。
许多许多的马儿在林子里吃草,我们一起把汉字洒在月光里,放牧快乐,放牧情意,让蚂蚁听到我们的吆喝,听到我们的情话 。
Many horses are grasing in the forest,While we’re scattering Chinese letters in moonlight,Grazing joys, and herding affections,Let ant hear our yells,And sweet nothings。