《世界诗人》季刊(混语版)总第69期目录 THE WORLD POETS QUARTERLY (multilingual) VOLUME No. 69 IN TOTAL CONTENTS 创刊日期:公元1995年5月8日 出版日期:公元2013年2月8日 国际标准刊号ISSN: 1814-9405,执行总编:野鬼 缪斯信箱 POET’ S MAIL-BOX SPECIAL NEWS ………………………………PRIZES 2012: The International Best of Year 4 Teresinka Pereira (USA美国)……………………………………………… 致本刊的一封信 4 Nelson Hoffman(Brazil巴西)…………………………………………… 致本刊的一封信 4 中国当代诗歌奖(2011—2012)隆重揭晓…………………………………………… IPTRC 5 特别推荐 SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS Despina Kontaxis(Greece希腊)………………………When two souls... Second Cover 封二 Tatomir Ion-Marius(Romania 罗马尼亚)…………………………………Second Back 封三 Muhammad Shanazar(Pakistan巴基斯坦)…………………………………………Tsunami 5 Chrissoulla Varveri-Varras(Greece希腊)………………………………………A feather bed 6 Athanase Vantchev de Thracy(France法国)……………Beatus Ille Qui (and another poem) 6 国际诗坛 INTERNATIONAL POETRY Tomás Ó Cárthaigh(Ireland爱尔兰)………………Waking in Tokyo (and another two poem) 8
阿尔丁夫·翼人Aerdingfu Yiren (中国China)…………蜃景:题在历史的悬崖上(外二首)8 史英 Shi Ying (新加坡Singapore)…………………………………行医生涯的经历(外一首)11 Arbind Kumar Choudhary(India印度)……………………………………West Minster Abbey 12 Zhivka Baltadzhieva(Bulgaria保加利亚)…………………The details are the most important 13 伊沙Yi Sha (中国China)…………………………………………………………………望澳门 13 Joko Pinurbo(Indonesia印尼)…………………………………………………Kunang–Kunang 14 Hsu Chicheng许其正(中国·台湾Taiwan, China)……In Winter Rain (and other six poems) 15 Sebastian Nowak (Poland波兰)……………………………Everyday Pain (and other two poems) 17 迪拜Di Bai (中国China)………………………………长安少年,明天你要回军营(外一首)18 Anne-Marie Legan (USA美国)…………………………………………………………Cloud Nine 18 朱立坤Zhu Likun (中国China)……………………………………………………无题(外二首)19 Adélia Einsfeldt (Brazil巴西)……………………………………………Ship Wrecked (Náufrago) 20 Luis Carlos Pereira (USA美国)…………………What is to kill a mockingbird (and another poem) 20 马科Ma Ke (中国China)…………………………………玛雅预言:2012绝望的祈祷(外一首) 21 Eugenio Morelli(Italia意大利)……………………………………………………………Natura 22 Ilire Zajmi (Kosovo科索沃) ……………………………… C’est La Fin (et deux autres poèmes) 22 林桦Lin Hua (中国China)……………………………………………盲路(长诗1-80,23-24)23 Shujaat Hussain(India印度)………………………………………………………Voice of Poet 25 Kae Morii (Japan日本)……………………………………………………Starvation in Fukushima 25 Herbert Becher (Germany德国)……………………………………………………………Untitled 26 Gwilym Williams(Austria奥地利)…………………………………………………The Border 26 Rubi Andredakis(Cyprus塞浦路斯)…………………………Chance in Life (and another poem) 27 野鬼Diablo (中国China)…………………………………………………………杀鸡记(外一首) 28 Gerard Millotte(France法国)……………………………………………………………Untitled 30 Aaron Anthony Vesup (USA美国)……………………………………………………Pandora’s Ox 30 中国诗人 POETS IN CHINA 杨林Yang Lin(湖南Hunan)………………………………………………………云雾(外二首)31 蔡丽双CHOI Lai Sheung (香港Hong Kong)………………………………………犁铧(外一首)32 方文竹Fang Wenzhu(安徽Anhui)……………………………………………………………真相 32 徐江Xu Jiang(天津Tianjin)…………………………………………………………………世界 33 苏菲Sophy Chen(广东Guangdong)…………………………………………………………失眠 33 木兰Mu Lan (重庆Chongqing)………………………………………………………………向日葵 34 周毓明Yuming Zhou (北京Beijing)……………………………………………………春(外三首)34 霍冬克Huo Dong-Ke (河南Henan)………………………………………………………凝月与流云 35 樱娘Madam Cherry(辽宁Liaoning)………………………………………………………… 如果 36 李志亮Li Zhiliang (河南Henan)………………………………………………………………随感录 36 张智中Zhang Zhizhong(天津Tianjin)……………………………………………………瞬间定格 40 金铃子Jin Lingzi (重庆Chongqing)……………………………………………他们猜不到我的幸福 40 秀實Xiu Shi(香港Hong Kong)……………………………………………………………………臨終 40 文胜Wen-sheng (湖北Hubei)……………………………………………………………………风事 41 郭永明Guo Yongming (重庆Chongqing)…………………………………………………土地的哭声 41 转角Corner (黑龙江Heilongjiang)…………………………找不到任何一个参照物可以爱(外一首)41 阳君Yang Jun (甘肃Gansu)………………………………………………………野水地记(外一首)42 大家评论 MASTER CRITICS R.K.Singh(India印度)…………………………………………………………………Book Review 43 Kurt F. Svatek(Austria奥地利)………………………………………Is Iime Really the Great Healer 45 ZACHAROULA GAITANAKI(Greece希腊)………………………………AN ODE TO POETRY 47 Shujaat Hussain(India印度)…………………………Poet Cultivate Congenial Culture to Collocate 47 华万里Hua Wanli (中国China)………………………………………………………点红染绿满砚春 51 世界诗讯 WORLD POETRY NEWS Important News……………………………………………《世界诗人书库》(双语对照)征稿启事 54 Notice Inviting “The Archive Centre for International Poets”………………………………本刊信息室 55 重要启事Notice ……………………………………………………………………………本刊信息室 55 《世界诗人》稿约Notice of the World Poets to Contributors ……………………………本刊编辑部 56 《世界诗人》季刊订阅表 …………………………………………………………………本刊编辑部 56 名家风采 PROFILES OF PERSONAGE 阿尔丁夫·翼人Aerdingfu Yiren (中国China)………………………………………………Cover 封面 Despina Kontaxis(Greece希腊)……………………………………………………Second Cover 封二 Tatomir Ion-Marius(Romania 罗马尼亚)……………………………………………Second Back 封三 Muhammad Shanazar(Pakistan巴基斯坦)……………………………………………Back Cover 封底 杨林Yang Lin (中国China)………………………………………………………………Back Cover 封底 Ilire Zajmi (Kosovo科索沃) ……………………………………………………………Back Cover 封底 Sebastian Nowak (Poland波兰)……………………………………………………………Back Cover 封底 Arbind Kumar Choudhary(India印度)…………………………………………………Back Cover 封底 Luis Carlos Pereira (USA美国)……………………………………………………………Back Cover 封底 Athanase Vantchev de Thracy(France法国)……………………………………………Back Cover 封底 李志亮Li Zhiliang (中国China)……………………………………………………………Back Cover 封底 《世界诗人》季刊稿约 △本刊是世界唯一的以多种语言对照出版的纯现代诗季刊,发行至一百九十多个国家,是世界诗人大会(WCP)成员、国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC)研究员、国际作家艺术家协会(IWA)会员和希腊作家艺术家国际协会(ISGWA)会员共同的发表园地。 △凡诗创作、诗论、诗话、诗人、评论家、翻译家、汉学家专访,诗坛信息、史料等,均表欢迎。 △来稿一律不退。如须退稿,请附足回程邮资和信封。 △所有来稿一律文责自负,对于侵犯他人版权的文字、图片,本刊概不承担任何连带责任。 △凡发表于本刊的文字、图片,本刊均拥有编选、出版权。 △欢迎投稿、欢迎订阅。凡订阅者作品,在同等艺术质量前提下,将优先选用。全年定价:美金60元、欧元60元、人民币120元(仅限中国大陆地区)。 △本刊所有出版经费均由编者自筹(即非财政拨款),纯然是一支没有薪饷的队伍,故暂无稿酬。大作一经刊布,当期寄赠作者一册。 △ 赐稿订阅地址:中国重庆市江北区观音桥邮局031信箱《世界诗人》杂志社 张智(博士),邮政编码:400020。 Notice of The World Poets Quarterly to Contributors △ This journal is the only quarterly for the purely modern poems published in the multilingual languages such as Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and the contributor’s mother tongue, circulated in over 190 countries. It is a joint journal for members of World Congress of Poets (WCP) and The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (IPTRC) International Writers and Artists Association (IWA) and International Society of Greek Writers & Arts (ISGWA). △ Welcome are those poetic works, poetic criticisms, poetic stories and interviews of poets, critics, translators and sinologists and historical materials. △ Contributions will not be revised except for some technical treatment. Due to the limitation of time and manpower, all contributions including a short resume of your art experience and achievement and two color photographs must be written in two or more than two kinds of languages and sent via e-mail to: iptrc@126.com or iptrc@163.com . No contribution will be accepted if it is inadequate. △ No contribution will be returned. If demanded, please add adequate postage and envelops. △ Contributors are responsible for legal matters. This journal is not jointly responsible for the illegal writings and pictures. △ This journal has the right to select and publish the writings and pictures published in this journal. △ Welcome to contribution and subscription. Anyone who subscribed this journal will be favored in his contribution provided that his is equally qualified as others. Price: 1 year (4 issues) US$60.00 or EUR60.00. △ All publishing expenditures are raised by the editors (No financial allocations), and there is no pay for contributions. You will be offered a copy of our journal when your contribution is published. △ Please mail to: Dr. ZHANG ZHI The Journal of the World Poets Quarterly, P. O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City 400020, P. R. CHINA 注:本期主力翻译有:张智中、颜海峰、东海仙子、彭智鹏、苏菲、霍冬克、樱娘、杨虚、杨宗泽、Cola-su、张紫涵、殷晓媛、野鬼、于而凡(印尼)、Zacharoula Gaitanki(希腊)、Eva Davidova(保加利亚)、Johan Missett(英国)、Isabelle Terpreau(法国)、Dragoş Barbu(罗马尼亚)、Norton Hodges(美国)、Muhammad Shanazar(巴基斯坦)、Teresinka Pereira(美国)等,涉及的语种有:汉语、英语、希腊语、西班牙语、法语、罗马尼亚语、保加利亚语、日语、意大利语、印尼语等。请入选的诗人朋友在以上新浪博客留下准确的通讯地址和邮编,以便奉寄样刊,谢谢! |