“脚下的那片泥土,每抓起一把,都一定会攥出血来。” -- 诗人芒克 从没想到要把你写进诗里,因为你是我父亲 槐树老了,弯腰、驼背、听不清说话 萌春的手轻轻一推,推开厚土,本该深绿的五月,麦子却偏要黄。。。 Love is the soil Father — miniature Prose poetry "At the foot of the piece of clay, each grabbed a, will hold a bleeding." — poet MangKe Never think about you write into poetry, because you are my father Sophora japonica old, bend, bow-backed, couldn't hear talk Sprout spring hand push, push thick soil, should have dark green may, wheat is partial to yellow... 何强 地址:安徽省合肥市亳州路畅园新村72栋405室 邮编:230031 QQ: 743173859 邮箱:hqyhyh@yahoo.com.cn 手机:13856059543 |