作者:何强 “脚下的那片泥土,每抓起一把,都一定会攥出血来。” -- 诗人芒克 麦子不是谁的谁,土地已错失缘的脚步 一季又一季回旋的音符,萌出匍匐在地潜伏的绿 惊动季节的一个转身,碾碎心里那帧丰收托付
Love is the soil Of slide mark — miniature Prose poetry Author: HeQiang "At the foot of the piece of clay, each grabbed a, will hold a bleeding." — poet MangKe Wheat is not who's who, land has been missed edge steps A season and a season cyclotron notes, appear creeping in latent green Beat up season a turn, crushed heart that frame harvest entrust 何强 地址:安徽省合肥市亳州路畅园新村72栋405室 邮编:230031 QQ: 743173859 邮箱:hqyhyh@yahoo.com.cn