本帖最后由 苏菲 于 2015-12-5 23:51 编辑
传奇诗人苏菲 Legendary Poet Sophy Chen
Legendary Poet Sophy Chen “传奇诗人” 苏菲。这次去香港,也是第一次去香港。最大的收获是有幸亲临北岛老师发起的“香港国际诗歌之夜2015”,再就是打开了阔别三年的,全球最大,最活跃的诗歌社区poetry.com “传奇诗人” Legendary Poet 苏菲主页,Legendary Poet Sophy Chen。激动之余,可不能忘了把截图发出来给国人看看。此网站不但是全球最大,最活跃的诗歌社区,还存有1千4百万首诗歌。
This time I went to Hong Kong. That was the first time I’d gone to Hong Kong. Firstly I was so luckily to take part in “Hong Kong International Poetry 2015” held by poet Beidao, and secondly, in absence of three years, I just opened my Legendary Poet home page, Legendary Poet Sophy Chen, in poetey.com which is the world’s largest and most vibrant poetry community with 14 million poems. With an excitement, I dare not forget to show you all having a look. |