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发表于 2016-1-9 11:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 苏菲 于 2016-1-9 23:16 编辑


意大利全球诗歌选本《反恐诗歌》电子书 出版发行

Free down Load,please press the red button at the end of this news
The Italian Global Poetry Anthology ‘POETRY AGAINST TERROR’ E-BOOK PubLished
As The Only One Chinese Poet In Mainland Of China
Sophy Chen's English Poetry Is Selected
(Attachment: The oversea's English news, Sophy's poetry selected,
as well as the American poet, critic Daniel J. Brick's poetry reviews for Sophy.)

         2016年,1月 8日,中国,广州。 “苏菲诗歌&翻译网”消息,意大利全球诗歌选本《反恐诗歌》电子书,已于2015年12月19日,在美国亚马逊英文图书网出版发行。
        苏菲是中国大陆唯一有幸入选此选本的中国诗人。中国是诗歌大国,苏菲本人作为一个用英语写诗的中国诗人,能得到国际诗坛的青睐不是什么稀奇的事情。本书的开端部分,就引用了老子 《道德经》里的话:欲安邦者,安邻;欲安邻者,安家;欲安家者,安心;孔子的话:己所不欲,勿施於人。这说明了这本国际选本的中国元素比重。这本书的联合编辑美国诗人帕梅拉•斯尼柯若普在撰写的英语新闻稿里也提及了苏菲的诗。
        收到意大利诗人,法布里奇奥•佛斯尼先生发来的诗歌邀请函的时候,我刚好在香港参加诗人北岛先生主持的“2015香港国际诗歌之夜”,诗歌盛事连连,三天的精彩论坛和诗歌朗诵让我备受感动,便不加思索的回函答应了,他在信件里说: “反恐诗歌”,他寻求全球诗歌社区的诗人帮助:“我希望这本书成为一部集体大创作:来自世界,各个国家的诗人,站出来大声发声反对血腥疯狂的恐怖行动,但非仇恨。”。令人震惊的是,来自42个国家的64位诗人,很快交稿完毕。因为法布里奇奥能够通过诗歌网, 品鉴优秀的作家。诗人们来自各大洲,也包括阿拉伯/伊斯兰国家:美国,巴西,意大利,法国,英国,俄罗斯,中国,澳大利亚,菲律宾,印度尼西亚,印度,巴基斯坦,尼日利亚,索马里,肯尼亚,突尼斯,埃及,以色列,等等……。有人说翻译家只是工匠,不会写诗,还真是应验了这句话。征稿时间特别短,我无法在几天时间内写出所谓的大主题诗,就急中生智,写了非常非常小的小小个人世界。用以兑现自己对这本书的诗歌承诺。于是便把个人的郁结和傻气痛痛快快的吐诉一番,也没管自己什么国别什么立场。也许有人会说这次丢人可就丢大了,不过我到感觉这是勇敢的冒险。就像我第一次和老外一起发布英语诗歌一样,那也是勇敢的开端,希望这一次也是勇敢良好的开始。不过这里要申明一点,几乎所有入选诗人都给他们各自的国家元首致函了,苏菲很遗憾未能做到这一点。
        这本电子书,“反恐诗歌,”可供在Amazon.com上下载 从2016年1月11日至15日,可以在 免费下载电子书。这本书也有一个Facebook页面  
        主意事项:不懂英语的读者请直接在苏菲诗歌&翻译网 免费下载电子书。(PDF 附件在苏菲诗歌&翻译网本文的末尾,苏菲诗歌&翻译网下载地址, 请按文章最下面的红色按钮,在浏览器中打开)


《反恐诗歌》 电子书:全世界诗人联合起来

        2015年,12月28日,美国,明尼苏达州,罗切斯特。为响应2015年11月13日,巴黎的血腥事件,意大利诗人,法布里奇奥•佛斯尼,开始编辑,一本新的电子书,“反恐诗歌”,他寻求全球诗歌社区的诗人帮助:“我希望这本书成为一部集体大创作:来自世界,各个国家的诗人,站出来大声发声反对血腥疯狂的恐怖行动,但非仇恨。” 令人震惊的是,来自42个国家的64位诗人,借其笔而努力为之。罗西尼说,“我们 —— 世界诗人——希望我们的声音在自己心中产生共鸣,在那些由于仇恨和暴力保持沉默的男男女女心中产生共鸣。”于是和帕梅拉•斯尼柯若普、美国明尼苏达州的丹尼尔•布瑞克、以及英格兰的理查德•Thézé,一起合编了一部关于巴黎和世界恐怖主义的多样性诗歌集。
        该项目很快就征稿完毕。因为法布里奇奥能够通过诗歌网, 品鉴优秀的作家。诗人们来自各大洲,也包括阿拉伯/伊斯兰国家:美国,巴西,意大利,法国,英国,俄罗斯,中国,澳大利亚,菲律宾,印度尼西亚,印度,巴基斯坦,尼日利亚,索马里,肯尼亚,突尼斯,埃及,以色列,等等……。
从2016年1月11日至15日,可以在 免费下载电子书。

2015-12-29 苏菲英译汉  中国 广州


       Rochester, MN, December 28, 2015.  In response to the bloody Paris events of November 13, 2015, Italian poet, Fabrizio Frosini, began work on a new E-book, “POETRY AGAINST TERROR,” and he enlisted his community of poets worldwide to help: “I wanted it to become a large collective work: the voice of poets from many different countries, worldwide, who stand up and speak aloud but without hatred against the bloody madness of terror.”  Astonishingly, 64 Poets from 42 countries lent their pens in the effort.  Frosini says, “we—poets of the world—wish to make our voices resonate in the minds and hearts of all women and men who refuse to be silenced by hate and violence.”  Pamela Sinicrope and Daniel Brick of Minnesota USA, along with Richard Thézé, England, co-edited the collection of diverse poems about terrorism in Paris and around the world.
       The project came together quickly, as Frosini was able to identify writers through the poetry website,  Poets come from all continents, including Arab/Islamic countries: US, Brazil, Italy, France, UK, Russia, China, Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, among others..
       Poem topics ranged from a focus on the liberty of France, to the musings of a mother who does not want her child to suffer from terrorism, to a young woman who incessantly searches google for the answers to the terrorism problem, to the story of African villagers who drank from a cow’s horn under a peaceful moon until terrorism took over. Many of the poets have experienced terrorism first-hand, and this witness is expressed in their writings and in their shared biographies. “We’ve all been touched by terrorism. For some, the topic hit home after the events in Paris, but for others, terrorism has been a disturbing part of everyday life —these facts are borne out in the poems. The poems speak for themselves” says Pamela Sinicrope.  The E-book, “Poetry Against Terror,” is available as a download on at  They also have a Facebook Page:
From January 11 to January 15, the ebook will be available FREE on

Pamela Sinicrope



2015-11-23        香港,如心铜锣湾海景酒店

Sophy Chen, China
Faced with Terrorism, Poetry Is Nothings' Nothing

After being online for 24 hours, searching all of the search engines,
Trying all of the key words, in all the entangled web of the internet,
I found not the slightest trace of you.
After being online for 48 hours, like a cat on a hot tin roof,
Again and again, slaving over a steaming pan,
In order to better see you in your true colours, and to let you hear me crying,
I still found not the slightest trace of you.
After being online 72 hours, I, like a moth to a flame,
Again and again, trying to go beyond the illusory screen images
In order to show off my best dancing in front of you
And to let you see my final moment as I crash and burn.
I’ve searched the whole earth, following your clues
And from the labyrinthine depths of the internet,
I got a glimpse of your few, brief words —
Faced with terrorism, poetry is pale and powerless,
Faced with terrorism, poetry is nothing,
I’ve searched the whole universe, researching your origin and your end,
And at its extent, I got a glimpse of the original code you left behind —
Faced with terrorism, poetry is powerless’ powerlessness,
Faced with terrorism, poetry is nothings’ nothingness.

2015-11-23, Causeway Bay Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong


        值得注意的重点是:在任何时候,诗人绝没有把自己看成一个特殊的个体;她的诗可能确实是一首特殊的诗,但她的存在,仅仅是许许多多人员中的一个, 正如那些受害者。她用各种隐喻来形容搜索的本质。例如,“缠结的网络”,一个“蒸锅”,“虚幻的屏幕”,但最能产生共鸣的是“迷宫深处”,她遇到的不是凶残的野兽,她发现的只有黑暗和困惑。这不同于古代神话,陷入迷宫,而并没有决定性的胜利。在我们的现实世界,野兽就是恐怖主义,它在世界上松散的存在着。诗人的结论在本诗的标题里已经给出,在第一行,但在本诗的最后几行里,诗人略有加剧重申这一结论。
        有时候,一首诗有它自己的方向,并巧妙地滑出了诗人意识的控制。重读这首诗时,诗人自己可能会发现这个隐藏的事项。 我个人的感觉是,诗人的工作强度和完整性掩盖了她的结论:诗歌一无是处。而且,她在这首诗里做出的努力,使我相信她最后的陈述是不成熟的。她的诗是一个脆弱的阿里阿德涅线团,将会指引所有心怀善意的诗人、读者、所有恐怖主义的受害者,走出世界的黑暗迷宫,来到光明的世界,在这里,人们团结在一起,并肯定他们的人文价值观。


2015-12-29 苏菲英译汉  中国 广州

Sophy Chen’s poetry comments by USA Poet and Critics, Daniel J. Brick

       This is a Poem of Despair. It is also a Poem of Grief. It was motivated perhaps by a desperate hope that the heritage of human culture embodied in poetry can explain terrorism, and offer an understanding of why it exists. Many of us resorted to the internet on that fateful night to seek information but also to connect to like-minded people to reassure our hearts all was not lost. This poet’s experience was especially traumatic, as she knew it would be. The mismatch between what she hoped to find and what is actually available deepened her grief. Her futile search lasted for three days during which she sacrificed her time, her comfort and her sleep.
       It is important to note: At no time does the poet see herself as an exceptional individual; her poetry may indeed be exceptional, but in her being she is simply one among many, just like the victims. She uses a variety of metaphors to describe the nature of her search. For example, the “entangled web,” a “steaming pan,” “illusory screen,” but the most resonant is the “labyrinthine depths.”  But instead of encountering a murderous beast, she finds only darkness. And confusion. Unlike the ancient myth, there is no decisive victory over the beast confined to the labyrinth. In our world the beast is terrorism, and it is loose in the world.  The poet’s conclusion has been signaled in the title and in the first line, but she reiterates it with a slight intensification in her last lines.
       Sometimes a poem has its own direction and subtly slips out of the poet’s conscious control. The poet herself may discover this hidden agenda upon re-reading. My personal feeling is that the intensity and completeness of this poet’s work belie her conclusion that POETRY IS NOTHING. Furthermore, it is her effort in writing this poem that convinces me her closing statement is premature. Her poem is a frail Ariadne's Thread that leads the poet, her readers and all other people of good will out of the dark labyrinth of a world victimized by terrorism into the bright upper world where people band together and affirm their humane values

(Daniel J. Brick)  

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-9 11:57 | 只看该作者

免费下载 意大利全球诗歌选本《反恐诗歌》电子书

本帖最后由 苏菲 于 2016-1-9 14:23 编辑


意大利全球诗歌选本《反恐诗歌》电子书 出版发行

Free down Load,please press the red button at the end of this news
The Italian Global Poetry Anthology ‘POETRY AGAINST TERROR’Pubished
As The Only One Chinese Poet In Mainland Of China
Sophy Chen's English Poetry Is Selected
(Attachment: The oversea's English news, Sophy's poetry selected,
as well as the American poet, critic Daniel J. Brick's poetry reviews for Sophy.)

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