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发表于 2016-2-22 21:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 苏菲 于 2016-2-23 14:51 编辑

Literature & Art News of Baihua Literature of Macau Monthly

“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”—From the Small Minority to the Public,
over the Mountains of International Excellent Poetry

By Sophy Chen

(Reported by Baihua Literature of Macau Monthly,”MuteMelodist”, ”Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”)

Sophy Chen’s Image

Sophy Chen, Lihua Chen, is a Chinese contemporary poetess and translator. The founder of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”. She is now a chief editor of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”, a guest chief editor of the World Poets Quarterly (Multilingual), a member of the Translators Association of China and researcher of the International Poetry Translation and Research Center.
She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989, and she began to write English poetry in 2004 and then she began to publish the original poetry (English or Chinese) and translated poetry (English to Chinese or Chinese to English) officially in newspapers and magazines. She translated a part of poems in the Chinese-English Textbook 300 New Chinese Poems (1917-2012) and World Poetry Yearbook 2013 and World Poetry Yearbook 2014 and she also proofed the three books. She served as the judge of several International Poetry Contests. She was awarded the “Legendary Poet” in 2012 by the international renowned English poetry website ( In the same year she won the annual “International Best Translator” Award 2012 issued by IPTRC. In 2014, she won the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award. She translated six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying, Tibetan Incense, The Outlook of Life, Different Tunes, The Body Forward, and A Poetry Biography for White Snake, etc.

“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”—From the Small Minority to the Public,
over the Mountains of International Excellent Poetry

By Sophy Chen

“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website” has been opened more than a year at the end of 2014, which greatly encouraged Sophy Chen’s original poetry writing and promoted her poetry translation.
“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”,, is the first international poetry translation website of China, which is organized in Sophy Chen’s own name as a translator and poetess, in Chinese-English, English or French languages, and which is committed to translate and promote the excellent Chinese poetry and excellent international poetry.
In the website in addition to some individual columns’ poetry translated by other translators, all of English-Chinese and Chinese-English poetry are independently translated by Sophy Chen.
“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”, holding its poetry translation idea of “rigorousness, excellence, and vividness,” publishes Sophy Chen herself independently translated bilingual poetry, and promotes the excellent poetry internationalization.
October 8, 2014, the Chinese-English version website was opened, which is edited on-line by (SOPHY CHEN) Chen Lihua; she’s planned to open English-English version website, English International Poetry Forum, and then French version website in the near future. After that she will publish E-magazine of this website as much as possible.
“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website” is not Sophy Chen’s personal website, but it is a useful attempt to unit national and international best translators by her individual hands as a poetry translator to provide translation text online for the majority of poetry circles without borders.
She hopes that this website can reflect the current common trend that poetry translation goes to international poetry world and international poetry has a good communication with foreign translators.

Important Columns

Some Chinese-English version columns of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”:
About Sophy, Poetry News, Profiles of Personage, Sophy Poetry Translation, Sophy Poetry, Sophy Columns, Poets Column, Selected International Poems, Sophy’s Works, Sophy’s Images, and Contact Sophy.
First, Poetry News includes four sub-sections: Sophy Poetry News, International Poetry News, Domestic Poetry News, Media Reports About Sophy
Sophy Poetry News: report Sophy Chens’ poetry translation news and her poetry activity news in which she participated.
International Poetry News: report the major international publishing news and poetry activity news.
Domestic Poetry News: report the major national publishing news and poetry activity news.
Media Reports About Sophy: reprint Sophy poetry translation, poetry writing and poetry activity news which reported by other media.
Second, Profiles of Personage: the column specifically for the contemporary Chinese and world famous poetry translators, poets which publishes their translation or original English and Chinese poetry.
It includes two sub-sections: Translators’ Profiles and Poets’ Profiles. Several poems of translators and poets, such as Zhang Zhi (Diablo), Zhang Zhizhong, Yangke, YI SHA, and Xiaoxiao, have been successively published in this section. The poetess Xiaoxiao’s section is most visited, and its unique visitors exceeded 3,000 within a week. In the poetry gradually marginalized background, these hits are very rare which shows that some well-known poets’ potential attractiveness to poetry group is still very big, so we can not underestimate our own capabilities.
    Third, Sophy Poetry Translation: publishes Sophy Chen’s Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation poetry translated independently by her, which focuses on the Chinese poetry and English translation and promotion.
It consists of three primary subtopics: 1)Poetry Translation C-E, 2) Poetry Translation E-C, and 3) Sophy Prose Translation.
Poetry Translation C-E: consists of five sub-sections: A. Translation Works of Chinese Poets before 1960, B. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1960, C. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1970. D. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1980, and E. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1990.
2) Poetry Translation E-C: A. Chinese Translation of Foreign Poets, B. Chinese Translation of English Poets
A. Chinese Translation of Foreign Poets: publishes the translation poems of non-English speaking poets, mainly translated from English.
B. Chinese Translation of English Poets: publishes the translation poems of English-speaking countries
3) Sophy Prose Translation: A. Sophy Prose Translation E-C, and B. Sophy Prose Translation C-E
Fourth, Sophy Poetry: 1) Sophy’s Original English Poetry, 2) Sophy’s Original Chinese Poetry, 3) Sophy’s Bilingual Poetry E-C or E-C, 4) Sophy’s Translation Theory, 5) Sophy’s Proses & Essayes
Five, Sophy Column: this is a special section for Sophy Poetry Translation, publishes the bilingual poems Sophy Chen independently translated for some home and abroad authoritative poetry journals, Such as the World Poets Quarterly (Multilingual), etc.
Six, Poets Column: this column is a new section established in 2015. It consists of two sub-sections: 1) Excellent Poets, and 2) Website Poets.
1) Excellent Poets: occasionally publishes some more active poet’s poems in China and the world;
2) Website Poets: to plan to publish an excellent poet’s poems each year who works hard for poem’s micro dissemination, especially for the poems of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”
Seven, Selected International Poems: selects of some outstanding Chinese Contemporary Poets and foreign contemporary poets’ poems bilingually published.
1) Chinese Poets, 2) International Poets.
1) Chinese Poets: A. Chinese Contemporary Poetry, B. Chinese Modern Poetry, C. Chinese Classical Poetry.
2) International Poets: A. European Poets, B. Asian Poets, C. American Poets, D. African Poets, E. Oceanian Poets
Eight, Sophy’s Works: shows and introduces Sophy’s original and translated books
Nine, Sophy’s Images: shows Sophy Chen’s photos in major poetry activities and photos with some famous poets
Ten, Contact Sophy: shows all of Sophy Chen’s network contacts and her national and international communication platforms.

Integration Module

“Sophy Poetry & Translation Website” has functionally integrated more than twenty modules, such as News Module, Articles Module, Store Module, Forum Module, Video Module, Picture Store Module, SEO Optimization Module, Comment Module, Message Module, Membership Systems, Payment Systems, Online Customer Service System, Sharing Module, E-mail Subscription, and etc.


It has established Poetry Art Advisers and Translation Art Advisers. Later, she will set up the International Poetry & Translation Committee of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”, Sophy Poetry Translation Research Center, Sophy Poetry Translation Foundation, which are good to facilitate and integrate of various resources.
Its Poetry Art Advisers and Translation Art Advisers are as follows:
Poetry Art Advisers (in alphabetical order): Johnson Nobel (USA), Ronald J Chapman (USA), Yang Lian, Yanke, Yisha, Wen Yuanhui, Xu Jingya, Tang Chengmao, Tangshi, Huang Lihai, Yang Zhixue, Ziwu, Pu Dong, Xiaoxiao, Wu Touwen, Peter Liang (Hong Kong ), Laochao,Wu Jingdong, Nanou, Aerdingfu-Yiren
Translation Art Advisers (in alphabetical order): Timothy Huson (USA), Li Li (Sweden), Fang Ming (Taiwan), Zhang Zhi(Diablo), Zhang Zhizhong, Zhao Yanchun , Hu Zongfeng, Li Zhengshuan, Zhang Guangkui, Chu Dongwei, Bei Ta, East fairy
2016, Dazang is employed as the Chief Website Poet of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”.

Share Entrance

There are many share entrance in “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”. Currently Baidu share, Jiathis, Addthis and other plug-in are used and there are multiple share entrances in home page, columns page and article pages. You only need to register one of the sharing platform accounts and then you can easily share the contents of this site to various online community where you and your friends can easily read your share. For example, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, WeChat Circle, Micro-channel Groups, QQ friends, QQ groups, Baidu Space, facebook, twitter, and so on.

《澳门月刊》 华文百花  文艺新闻


作者:苏菲(Sophy Chen)

( 《澳门月刊》 华文百花、印度圣乔治大学MuteMelodist 学术艺术网、苏菲诗歌&翻译网联合报道)


苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代女诗人、翻译家。现为“苏菲诗歌&翻译网”总编、混语版《世界诗人》季刊客座总编、国际诗歌翻译研究中心研究员。
1989年开始汉语诗歌写作,2004年开始英文诗歌写作,在各大报刊发表英汉双语诗歌和英汉双语诗歌翻译作品。曾参与汉英读本《中国新诗300首(1917—2012)》等文本的英译或英文校对工作。审译纯英文版《世界诗歌年鉴2013》、《世界诗歌年鉴2014》。担任数个国际诗歌大奖赛评委。2012年,获国际知名英语诗歌专业网站 POETRY.COM “传奇诗人”称号,同年获“国际最佳翻译家奖”。2014年荣获“中国当代诗歌奖”(2013—2014)翻译奖。出版英译诗歌集《花动摇》、《藏香》、《生之瞭望》、《异调》)、《胴体向前》、《白娘子诗传》等。


作者:苏菲(Sophy Chen)

“苏菲诗歌&翻译网” 是中国首家以翻译家、诗人的个人名义主办、汉英(法)对照的国际诗歌翻译网,致力于中国优秀诗歌的翻译与国际化推广,同时致力于国际优秀诗歌的翻译与传播。
2014年10月8日首先开通汉英对照版网站,由苏菲(SOPHY CHEN)陈丽华,本人编辑上线;计划于近期,开通纯英文版网站和英语国际诗歌论坛,最后再开通法文版网站。之后将不定期推出苏菲诗歌翻译网刊。


1)汉语诗歌英译:下设五个子栏目:A. 中国60前诗人作品英译、B. 中国60后诗人作品英译、C. 中国70后诗人作品英译、D. 中国80后诗人作品英译、E. 中国90后诗人作品英译。
2)英语诗歌汉译:A. 外国诗人作品汉译、B. 英语诗人作品汉译。
A. 外国诗人作品汉译:主要翻译非英语国家诗人的诗歌作品,主要是从英语转译而来。
B. 英语语诗人作品汉译:主要翻译英语国家的英语诗歌。
3)苏菲散文翻译:A. 苏菲散文英译、B. 苏菲散文汉译。
1)中国诗坛:A. 中国当代诗歌、B. 中国现代诗歌、C. 中国古典诗歌。
2)国际诗坛:A. 欧洲诗歌、B. 亚洲诗歌、C. 美洲诗歌、D. 非洲诗歌、E. 大洋洲诗歌。




诗歌艺术顾问(排名不分先后):Johnson Nobel(USA)、Ronald J Chapman(USA)、杨炼、杨克、伊沙、温远辉、徐敬亚、唐成茂、唐诗、黄礼孩、杨志学、子午、普冬、潇潇、吴投文、秀实(香港)、老巢、武靖东、南鸥、阿尔丁夫-翼人;
翻译艺术顾问(排名不分先后):Timothy Huson (USA)、李笠(瑞典)、方明(台湾)、张智(野鬼)、张智中、赵彦春、胡宗锋、李正栓、张广奎、褚东伟、北塔、东海仙子。



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