MY little girl is nested 小小床不大,窝着小小她,
Within her tiny bed, 好可爱呀,我的宝贝她,
With amber ringlets crested 哦——琥珀色金发,
Around her dainty head; 小巧小脑瓜;
She lies so calm and still, 哦——匀匀称称,恬恬静静,
She breathes so soft and low, 一吸一呼,起起伏伏,
She calls to mind a lily 2 哦——小小她呀——百合花,
Half-hidden in the snow. 雪中探露百合花。
A weary little mortal 嗯——疲疲惫惫小姑娘,
Has gone to slumber land; 累了累了游梦乡;
The Pixies at the portal 嗯——牵住手,牵住手,
Have caught her by the hand; 梦见门神牵住手;
She dreams her broken dolly 嗯——破了破了布娃娃,
Will soon be mended there, 委委屈屈摇椅上;
That looks so melancholy 嗯——补好啦,补好啦,
Upon the rocking-chair. 梦见好快补好啦。
I kiss your wayward tresses, 啊——亲一下吧倔倔发,
My drowsy little queen; 小王后啊——假寐娃;
I know you have caresses 飞吻飞吻送给妳,
From floating forms unseen. 知道妈咪多爱妳。
O, Angels, let me keep her 啊——不亲不亲好好睡,
To kiss away my cares, 不理会,天使宝贝不理会;
This darling little sleeper, 啊——睡吧睡吧小安琪,
Who has my love and prayers! 妈咪爱妳爱妳,千万祝福送给妳!