本帖最后由 忍淹留 于 2012-6-14 21:58 编辑
暴风雨 艾伦·弗克 猛然间,一棵瘦长的松树夹杂在同伴中无法辨认 横七竖八的巢穴和树干依旧使参差的树桩青翠 一团明灭的光
霎时风雨交加,天空明亮 随后繁星闪现,河流激荡
苹果树等一下子兴奋起来 然后是广场上的白色垃圾 新来的和常住的鸟儿围拢着投喂的人 那一刻孩子们正在床上安睡
我们种的那丛紫丁香 成了猫咪带着口气爬过的地带 它快速溜向外溢的阴沟
沼泽地里明黄色的金盏花在那一刻生长 随后被农夫扫割进一捆捆干草里
STORM Ellen Bryant Voigt One minute a slender pine indistinguishable from the others the nest its trunk horizontal still green the jagged stump a nest for the flickers
one minute high wind and rain the skies lit up the next a few bright winking stars the lashing of the brook
one minute an exaltation in the apple trees the shadblow trees the next white trash on the ground new birds or the same birds crowding the feeder one minute the children were sleeping in their beds
You got sick you got well you got sick the lilac bush we planted is a tree the cat creeps past with something in her mouth she's hurrying down to where
the culvert overflowed one minute bright yellow marsh marigolds springing up the next the farmer sweeps them into his bales of hay ——选自《纽约客》2012年3月5日刊 |