本帖最后由 郁序新 于 2013-1-3 15:23 编辑
双语诗:吟雏菊 原创:Tulip
叶落秋寒满庭霜,三径露篱染紫妆。 宫中九九提诗赋,菊园时时酒飘香。 云朵翩翩吟菊颂,花影徐徐月抚裳。 采撷一簇簪钗凤,镜中羞涩倚书窗。
Chant for Hairpin Daisy
The fallen leave of yard in chilly autumn
Is covered with layer of frost, The fence of open garden is dressed up With purple of daisy on top.
On the day of Double Nine Festival The palace is delighted with poems. And in the garden of Hairpin Daisy Constantly with fragrant wine she flows.
The piece of cloud chants the daisy gracefully. The flower shadow reflects under moon gently. She picks a cluster of the daisy to dress hair And mirror the beauty by window with shy air.
2013年1月3日 写于苏州 |