The Poem That Took The Place Of A Mountain
____ Wallace - Stevens( USA / 1879 -1955)
《 修 诗 抵 修 山 》
____ 华莱士 · 史蒂文斯( 美 / 1879 -1955)
There it was, word for word, ( 文笔升华难, 多改出好文 ) 一字,一字,一字字... ...
The poem that took the place of a mountain. 看哪,修诗篇,堪抵修青山。
He breathed its oxygen, ( 自信自强不甘平庸 ) 啊,这山但凡有氧在,汲取,汲取,
Even when the book lay turned in the dust of his table. 纵我诗宅沉沦书山里。
It reminded him how he had needed ( 非困而不学, 重新组织语言 } 看,囧境鸣预警,困顿催启程,
A place to go to in his own direction, 遍山松柏亟待, 要我重作安排 ,
How he had recomposed the pines, ( 不落俗套克服困难写出特色 ) 快 , 我应独辟蹊径,我该特色前行,
Shifted the rocks and picked his way among clouds, 快 , 我须调岩整石择路,我要穿越层层迷雾,
For the outlook that would be right, ( 力争完美至美不胜言) 快呀 , 向着理想,攀缘,向着完美,攀缘,
Where he would be complete in an unexplained completion: 我的愿景她,要巧夺天工,妙不可言:
The exact rock where his inexactness-es (文要妙笔连珠) 啊,我的愿景啊,要瑕疵变妙笔,要败笔成景观
Would discover, at last, the view toward which they had edged, 匠心创意呀——砺璞成玉!完美精湛——
Where he could lie and, gazing down at the sea, ( 力争独占头众望所归) Oh,看吧,我终将傲岸书山诗海,
Recognize his unique and solitary home. Ye,唯我独领风骚家园!
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