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发表于 2018-8-28 15:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


A、        本刊自总第73期始,曾开辟“一诗多译  MULTI-VERSIONS OF A POEM”专栏,连续刊载了5期,每期刊布一位有影响力的国内外健在的与本刊有直接交流的诗人的诗作3—4首(三种译本),包括简介和玉照,后因故暂停。今与编辑部同仁商议,重启此专栏,具体事宜如下:
B、        每年的二、五、八、十一月底,在有关翻译微信群、网站、公众号发布拟翻译的国内外有一定影响力的健在的诗人诗作3—4首和简介(汉译外,外译汉),有意参与者需在当月25日前将译稿(请附200字内的译者简介),以附件形式发送至指定电子邮箱,主题请标明“一诗多译”。然后由主持人将全部译稿(匿名)按收稿顺序编排后,发送给所有参与者投票(每人限投三个译本),最终票数排名前三的译本,即为胜出者。
C、        排名第一者,将获得由中国著名诗人、书法家、音乐人李尚朝先生提供的价值5000元的书法作品一幅,排名前三的三个译本均在混语版《世界诗人》季刊“一诗多译  MULTI-VERSIONS OF A POEM”专栏推出,并赠送译者样刊一册。




[Bangladesh] Muhammad Samad
Grandma and the Pigs (and other two poems)

We had a swampy patch beside our house-
Sundry things occupied the plot, like
wild arum plants and various undergrowths.
The cremation-ghat of the local Zamindar
stood by a horizon-kissing marsh, field
                       with water-hyacinths.

After the autumnal harvest was over,
We would light a bonfire of paddy stalks
and thus drive away the freezing cold.
The marshy ‘beel’ would adorn herself
with violet flowers, and the dews on green leaves
would wink at the sun and dissolve in rippling laughter.

And, right then, an avalanche of fat pigs
would come down the slopes of the Garo hills
led by a bunch of pig-herds who would
cry a shrill voice, “Hei, O, Ho, Ha!”

I was a very sickly boy then, and chicken hearted, too
Seeing the pigs, Grandma would put a strong
                       Bamboo lathi in my hand
and say sharply-
“GO and give the pig a smack,
that will put courage into your heart,
                        go, strike!”  

I remember Grandma now very keenly-
Our small hut is besieged by a horde
                    Of grunting, tusked pigs…
I would like to get back the courage of my heart
                    in order to smash their spines.

Grandma, where have you kept that
                     pig battering lathi?
We are sore need of it, now.
(Translated by K. Ashraf Hossain)

Aruna, Does Anyone Come To Stay

Aruna, tell me why is so much complexity
I shall go sure – going has its own rhythm.
I want to go on brakes,
Looking at the dance of air in the paddy fields,
watching the dancing waves in the river and sea,
entwining ----and creepers, green grass around my body
                                as a dear does,
dropping a kiss on the forehead of my dear daughter, Nandeeta.
Across the field of yellow mustard flower, walkways,
throwing away pains and sufferings in the sky
and burning in the moonlight, and
        getting drenched in rain,
I shall oneday go away.

I am not a war steed – why shall I go in a haste?
Killers have hurry – theirs is a hunger for blood
they burn out books, brains and civilizations,
they destroy caves of the Hera mountain, art-galleries,
images of Buddha and Jesus;
and the Nativity Church at Bethlehem.

I love an elephant’s walk through a green forest;
Or I want to go away like the birds talking among branches.

I have no such hurry
I do know,  palaces and mansions get burnt
‘stars also have got to die oneday’…
So, mine is not the nature of coming back to your indecision
every morning round
Aruna, you tell me, does anyone come to stay, tell…
(Translated by Kajal Bondyopadhyay)

The Blue Butterfly

After kissing you I myself fall dead
Turning blue you have sunk into my chest in blue blissfulness;
I shiver the whole night– keep uncovered the basket of pains.
Such sweet venom– this is my love– my sin.
Everyday every moment I want the constant curse of this sin!

I know how deeply blue you have turned from my lovely kiss.
The rosy chin, fair face, red lips and all around are engulfed in blue;
The poet has turned blind. How in this early autumn
the whole image of Nature is metamorphosed!

Like Draupadi, the nagalingam has shed his clothing– her body is blue;
the azure is all the more blue, white clouds are blue, the Red Sea is blue
the moonlight is blue–  the wind carries a hint of blue;

The night-queen has turned blue and dropped into a sleep
towards morn, and around it are flitting two blue butterflies.  
(Translated by Zakeria Shirazi)

About the author:
Muhammad Samad, born in a remote village in 1956 of Bangladesh, is a famous poet, Professor and former Director at the Institute of Social Welfare & Research, University of Dhaka. He has served as the Vice Chancellor, University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS). Currently he is serving as the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University Dhaka, Bangladesh. Muhammad Samad has been writing poems since his school days. The first book of his verses Ekjan Rajnaitik Netar Menifesto (Manifesto of a Political Leader) was published in 1983 and won the Trivuj Literary Award in the same year among the young poets aged 25 years in Bangladesh. His other published books of verses are Selected Poems (bi-lingual), Premer Kabita (Love Poems) Kabitasangraha (Selected Collection of Poems), Aamar Duchokh Jala Vore (My Eyes get Wetted in Tears) Jay Aaj Sharater Akashe Purnima  (The Full Moon in the Autumn Sky) Cholo, Tumul Bristite Bhiji (Let Us Be Drenched in Torrential Rain), Podabe Chandan Kaath (Will Burn Sandal Wood) Ami Noi Indrajit Megher Adale (I am not Indrajit Behind the Clouds) and  Utsaber Kabita (Poems From Festival ed. Bengali poems rendered in the National Poetry Festival). Poems of Muhammad Samad have been translated into many language that include Chinese, Greek, English, Serb, Swedish,  Sinhalese, and some Indian languages like Assames, Hindi, Kokborok, Tamil etc. He has received number of awards for his contribution to Bengali poetry and literature that made him widely known and honored. Among them are Poet Jasimuddin Literary Award, Poet Jibanananda Das Award and the Poet Sukanta Literary Award. Besides, He won Poet Bishnu Dey Award and Protom Alo Award from India. His poetry eloquently addresses the love, pain, plight and human life in many faces of the people of Bangladesh as well as other societies of the world. He is serving as the President of the Jatio Kobita Parishad (National Poetry of Bangladesh).

PS: 艺术中国•李尚朝书法作品欣赏—新华社客户端
http://xhpfmapi.zhongguowangshi. ... ;from=singlemessage


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