We are told how in the beginning it came to pass that like cabbaging Cincinnatus the grand old gardener was saving daylight under his redwoodtree one sultry sabbath afternoon, Hag Chivychas Eve, in prefall paradise peace by following his plough for rootles in the rere garden of mobhouse, ye olde marine hotel, when royalty was announced by runner to have been pleased to have halted itself on the highroad along which a leisureloving dogfox had cast followed, also at walking pace, by a lady pack of cocker spaniels. Forgetful of all save his vassal’s plain fealty to the ethnarch Humphrey or Harold stayed not to yoke or saddle but stumbled out hotface as he was (his sweatful bandanna loose from his pocketcoat) hasting to the forecourts of his public in topee, surcingle, solascarf and plaid, plus fours, puttees and bulldog boots ruddled cinnabar with flagrant marl, jingling his turnpike keys and bearing aloft amid the fixed pikes of the hunting party a high perch atop of which a flowerpot was fixed earthside hoist with care. On his majesty, who was, or often feigned to be, noticeably longsighted from green youth and had been meaning to inquire what, in effect, had caused yon causeway to be thus potholed, asking substitutionally to be put wise as to whether paternoster and silver doctors were not now more fancied bait for lobstertrapping honest blunt Haromphreyld answered in no uncertain tones very similarly with a fearless forehead: Naw, yer maggers, aw war jist a cotchin on thon bluggy earwuggers.
【词汇1】in the beginning
(1) in the beginning:起初。
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
【词汇2】it came to pass
(1)it came to pass:发生(it happened)。
(1) cabbage: 俚语:偷(to purloin, to filch)。
公元前5世纪的罗马政治家,以在危险持续时担任独裁者(dictator)的角色而闻名,然后立即放弃它,回到他的小农场耕种。源自拉丁语cincinnatus:卷发;卷曲的洋白菜(curly haired; hence, curly cabbage)。
【词汇5】 grand old gardener
(1) Grand Old Man:伟大的老人。
(2) grand old gardener:伟大的老园丁。
Lady Clara Vere de Vere
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
Of me you shall not win renown:
You thought to break a country heart
For pastime, ere you went to town.
At me you smiled, but unbeguiled
I saw the snare, and I retired:
The daughter of a hundred Earls,
You are not one to be desired.
Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
I know you proud to bear your name,
Your pride is yet no mate for mine,
Too proud to care from whence I came.
Nor would I break for your sweet sake
A heart that doats on truer charms.
A simple maiden in her flower
Is worth a hundred coats-of-arms.
Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
Some meeker pupil you must find,
For were you queen of all that is,
I could not stoop to such a mind.
You sought to prove how I could love,
And my disdain is my reply.
The lion on your old stone gates
Is not more cold to you than I.
Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
You put strange memories in my head.
Not thrice your branching limes have blown
Since I beheld young Laurence dead.
Oh your sweet eyes, your low replies:
A great enchantress you may be;
But there was that across his throat
Which you hardly cared to see.
Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
When thus he met his mother's view,
She had the passions of her kind,
She spake some certain truths of you.
Indeed I heard one bitter word
That scarce is fit for you to hear;
Her manners had not that repose
Which stamps the caste of Vere de Vere.
Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
There stands a spectre in your hall:
The guilt of blood is at your door:
You changed a wholesome heart to gall.
You held your course without remorse,
To make him trust his modest worth,
And, last, you fix'd a vacant stare,
And slew him with your noble birth.
Trust me, Clara Vere de Vere,
From yon blue heavens above us bent
The grand old gardener and his wife [1]
Smile at the claims of long descent.
Howe'er it be, it seems to me,
'Tis only noble to be good.
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith than Norman blood.
I know you, Clara Vere de Vere:
You pine among your halls and towers:
The languid light of your proud eyes
Is wearied of the rolling hours.
In glowing health, with boundless wealth,
But sickening of a vague disease,
You know so ill to deal with time,
You needs must play such pranks as these.
Clara, Clara Vere de Vere,
If Time be heavy on your hands,
Are there no beggars at your gate,
Nor any poor about your lands?
Oh! teach the orphan-boy to read,
Or teach the orphan-girl to sew,
Pray Heaven for a human heart,
And let the foolish yoeman go.
Thou, old Adam's likeness, set to dress this garden,
How dares thy harsh rude tongue sound this unpleasing news?
What Eve, what serpent, hath suggested thee
To make a second fall of cursed man?
【词汇6】saving daylight
(1) daylight saving time: 夏令时。
(1) sabbath:安息日。
【词汇8】Hag Chivychas Eve
(1)Hag Shavuot:希伯来语:七七节(Feast of Weeks)。
(2)erev hag: 希伯来语:节日前夕。
(3)hagios: 希腊语:圣徒(saint)。
(4)Chevy Chase:切维切斯。
“Chase”就是狩猎的意思,Chevy是切维奥特丘陵(Cheviot Hills,横跨在诺森伯兰郡和苏格兰边界之间的盎格鲁-苏格兰边界的连绵起伏的丘陵)的意思,这里有一块狩猎场。狩猎活动由英国诺森伯兰伯爵珀西领导,不顾苏格兰伯爵道格拉斯的反对。道格拉斯将这群人的到来解读为对苏格兰的入侵和攻击。只有110人在随后的血战中幸存下来。
(1)prefall:在人类堕落之前(before man's fall) 。
(1) rootles:挖掘。
【词汇13】ye olde marine hotel
(1)the Marine Hotel: 海滨旅馆.
《博格诺图片和文字指南:旅店广告》(A Pictorial & Descriptive Guide to Bognor &c. Hotel Ads): 海滨旅馆,海滨唯一的酒店,在塞尔西(SELSEY),奇切斯特(Chichester)附近(THE MARINE HOTEL. ONLY HOTEL ON SEA FRONT)。
(1) runner:报信人。
(1)dog fox:公狐狸,小狐狸(a small fox)。
【词汇16】cast followed
(1) casts along shore (fox):沿海岸投放(狐狸)。
这种狐狸是猎狐,沿海岸投放猎狐是 (指狗或猎人) 为了在狩猎中分散并向不同方向寻找丢失的气味。
据《季刊评论》(The Quarterly Review)所说。
(2)cast: 废语 指动物)排便((of animals) to defecate)。
(1)leisure loving:空闲而忠诚的。
【词汇18】lady pack
(1)lady-pack: 一群雌性猎犬(pack of female hounds)。
【词汇19】cocker spaniels
(1) cocker spaniels:可卡犬。
(1)ethnarch: 总督。
(1)hot face:热脸。
大手帕密码(bandanna code):一种基于挂在人后口袋里的彩色大手帕(头巾)的密码,在淘金热(Gold Rush)时期,旧金山的男人用它来表示跳舞的喜好,可能在现代男同性恋(gay men)中也产生了类似的做法。
(1) coat pocket:外套的口袋。
(1) Four Courts, Dublin:都柏林四个法院。
(1) topee: 草编头盔(pith helmet)。
(1) sole:唯一的。
(2)sola: 粗糙田皂角。
【词汇28】plus fours
(1)plus fours: 宽灯笼裤(knickerbocker)。
(1) puttee: 绑腿。
(1)ruddled: 涂红。
(1) cinnabar: 朱红色的。
(1)flagrantia: 拉丁语:热,激烈(heat, vehemence)。
(1)turnpike: 公路收费站(toll-gate)。
【词汇35】fixed pikes
(1)fixed bayonets:固定刺刀。
(1)perch:杆子(a pole, rod…)。
【词汇38】fixed earthside hoist with care
(1)this side up with care:此面朝上,小心。
【词汇39】green youth
(1) green youth: 年轻的时代(young age)。
与“grey old age”:“灰色的老年”相对。
指国王没问“什么原因使那边的堤道如此坑坑洼洼”,而是问“鱼饵和钓蝇是不是现在更受欢迎的捕龙虾的诱饵?” 因为他错把插在棍子上的倒置花盆(flowerpot)当成了钓竿(fishing rod)。
【词汇44】put wise
(1)put someone wise:使某人聪明。
(2)to inform someone (of):告知某人(of)。
(3)enlighten someone:启发某人。
(3)paternoster:主祷文(我们的父亲)(lord's prayer (our father))。
【词汇46】silver doctors
(1)silver doctors: 钓蝇(fishing-fly)。
(1) lobster Traps:龙虾陷阱。
(1)három: 匈牙利语:三个(three)。
(2)Harold and Humphrey:哈罗德和汉弗利。
汉弗利:《守灵》中男主人公汉弗利.钱普顿.壹耳微蚵(Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker)的名字的一部分。
【词汇49】answered in no uncertain tones
(1)in no uncertain terms: 强调地,毫不含糊地说(emphatically, unambiguously)。
【词汇50】fearless forehead
(1) fearless forehead:无畏的额头。
【词汇51】Naw, yer maggers, aw war jist
(1) No, your Majesty, I was just:不,陛下,我只是。
(1)cotch: 古语:捕获(catch )。
(1)thon: 阿尔斯特(Ulster)方言:那些(those)。
(1) bluggy: 俚语:血腥的(滑稽的)(bloody (jocular))。
(2)buggy: 多虫的(bug-infested)。
(1) earwigs:蠼螋。
一种昆虫,学名地蜈蚣(Forficula auricularia),因其耳朵穿过头部而得名。
(2)ear waggers:摇耳朵者。
We are told how in the beginning it came to pass that like cabbaging Cincinnatus the grand old gardener was saving daylight under his redwoodtree one sultry sabbath afternoon, Hag Chivychas Eve, in prefall paradise peace by following his plough for rootles in the rere garden of mobhouse, ye olde marine hotel, when royalty was announced by runner to have been pleased to have halted itself on the highroad along which a leisureloving dogfox had cast followed, also at walking pace, by a lady pack of cocker spaniels. Forgetful of all save his vassal’s plain fealty to the ethnarch Humphrey or Harold stayed not to yoke or saddle but stumbled out hotface as he was (his sweatful bandanna loose from his pocketcoat) hasting to the forecourts of his public in topee, surcingle, solascarf and plaid, plus fours, puttees and bulldog boots ruddled cinnabar with flagrant marl, jingling his turnpike keys and bearing aloft amid the fixed pikes of the hunting party a high perch atop of which a flowerpot was fixed earthside hoist with care. On his majesty, who was, or often feigned to be, noticeably longsighted from green youth and had been meaning to inquire what, in effect, had caused yon causeway to be thus potholed, asking substitutionally to be put wise as to whether paternoster and silver doctors were not now more fancied bait for lobstertrapping honest blunt Haromphreyld answered in no uncertain tones very similarly with a fearless forehead: Naw, yer maggers, aw war jist a cotchin on thon bluggy earwuggers.
蠼螋(earwigs)预示了壹耳微蚵(Earwicker)的名字。蠼螋的习性是 “喜欢在晚上躲在下垂的花朵里”,这似乎预示了壹耳微蚵在凤凰公园偷窥女孩撒尿的情节。蠼螋的耳朵穿过头部预示了什么?