本帖最后由 忍淹留 于 2012-2-20 20:29 编辑
我的蜜蜂 米歇尔·迪克曼 在宇宙中哭泣可并不像你 在我们的怀抱中哭泣 在我们怀抱的 小小宇宙中
一些我们出生之前的谜听起来像一条河 在吐司上延续
并 在花朵之间 散播
第一根针 罐中的蜂蜜
我总是想要 在嗡嗡声 和飞散的绒毛的 环绕中醒来
我的头被一顶覆有毛皮的王冠托起 落落大方地走进低沉的下午,和着嗡嗡的节奏游荡
凶手在脑子里 把蜂蜜搅得一团糟 ——选自《纽约客》2011年12月12日刊
MY HONEYBEE Micheal Dickman Crying in the cosmos that doesn't sound like you
Crying in our arms In the cosmos in our arms
Missile static and afterburn in the petals
Your yellow-
and-black stingers
A child's drawing
Some riddle from before we were born that sounds like a river
and spreads on toast
And floats
From flower to Flower
The first needle
The honey in the pot
I have always wanted
To wake up surrounded By buzz and fuzz
My head lifted by a furry crown set sailing into the late
drone afternoon drifting at the speed of sound
My mouth full of strange sunlight
Killer bumble honey
in the brain