一个人的马戏团 查尔斯·西米克 魔术师的帽子和活生生的手榴弹 摔跤,柔术,模仿, 活雕塑,走钢丝,逃脱术 业余的口技和读心术
还能悠闲地在街上散步 在街角买份报纸 弯下身来爱抚一位盲人的狗
虽然她正无聊地唠叨着天气 注意力却集中在你手中的吊架 使那些老虎生气地在笼子里溜来溜去
ONE-MAN CIRCUS Charles Simic Juggler of hats and live hand grenades. Tunmbler,contortionist,impersonator, Living statue,wire walker,escape artist, Amateur ventriloquist and mind reader,
Doing all that without being detected While leisurely strolling down the street, Buying a newspaper on some corner, Bending down to pat a blind man's dog,
Or sitting across from your wife at dinner, While she prattles about the weather, Concentrating instead on a trapeze in your head, The tigers pacing angrily in their cage,