中 诗《 外 婆 来 啦 》英 译《 Here Comes Grandma 》
外 婆 来 啦
—— 原 作 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2021. 7. 1
—— 翻 译 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2021. 7. 1
Here Comes Grandma
—— Auth: Li Shichun / Changchun City, China - Jul. 1st, 2021
—— En. Trans: Li Shichun / Changchun City, China - Jul. 1st, 2021
Taking such a big package,
Oh, Grandma came for visit;
Ouch and ouch she trudged,
In few steps hands changed;
快跑,快跑,外婆好 ... ...”
"Here, here, comes Grandma,"
With hi and hi running to Grandma;
Little brother fished out a pineapple,
But I went to take the package over;
“姐姐给你大菠萝,”还要学习我 ... ...
"Well done," praised Dad for my up-growing,
And ”mindful," said Mom for my kind trying,
Yet my little brother here whispered right to me,
"Here's a big pineapple," and made doing as me---
( 立 意:祖孙趣事/Conception: funny stories between Grandparents & Grandchildren )