英 诗《 A Gentle Reminder(3.1)》摘 译《 温 馨 提 示(3.1)- 对 的 人 》
About author :Bianca Sparacino is a writer from Toronto, and the author of numerous poetry books and the host of the Thought Catalog podcast In Your Feelings/有关作者:比安卡 · 斯帕西诺——来自多伦多的作家,曾有多本诗籍发表,也是思想类播客《依你看》主持人。
About some reader:It's perfect, exactly what I expected. It feels like Bianca knew me first hand. Described the way I’ve felt sometimes and some other things I wasn’t sure how to express. Thanks. Heda — January 12, 2022/有关读者:这里的表述是完美的,也正是我所期望的。感觉比安卡对我了如指掌。描述到了一些我有时的感受,以及其他一些我不确定如何表达的事情。谢谢 赫达-2022年1月12日
一. 原 文 / '解 '读 / 中 译 文
Bianca Sparacino's《 A Gentle Reminder(3.1)》—— by Sparacino Bianca(CAN - 2015)
《 温 馨 提 示(3.1)》—— 原 著 / 比安卡 · 斯帕拉西诺(加拿大 - 2015)
摘 译《 温 馨 提 示(3.1)- 对 的 人 》—— '解 '读 / 翻 译 - 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2023. 1. 23
The right person will know how to hold your love.
The right person will choose you just as deeply as you choose them.
You will not have to quiet the way you care, you will never
feel like you are too much.
You will not have to beg for the love you deserve.
One day, you will be met where you are.
One day, you will be someone’s favorite thing,
and you will not be confused — you will not feel
like you are fighting for someone who isn’t fighting for you.
One day, you will understand that 'it never mattered 【b】
how tightly you held on to the wrong people, how intensely
you tried, because the right people were always going to find you.
The right people were always going to stay.
二. 译 注 / 译 后 感
a'. 首先,特别鸣谢:本作主要参考文献 a 本作主要参考文献 b 本作主要参考文献 c
a. After reading A gentle reminder:I was absolutely blown away by this book. I just received it yesterday, read about 50 pages last night, cried at how relatable her writings are in my life right now. I’m so glad I decided to purchase this book. Kathleen DeLattre — September 13, 2022/看完这本《温馨的提醒》:我被这本书彻底惊呆了。我昨天刚收到它,昨晚读了大约50页,为她的作品在我现在的生活中有多重要而哭泣。我很高兴我的决定,买了这本书。凯思琳 - 迪拉特尔 2022年9月13日
b. 指代单词(-3+1 ~ -2+2)
c. 副标题为本作追加,以便阐明摘译主题
d. 中外互译,的确也像描述某哈姆雷特:参考信息可有百个、千个,而最终采信、确认、依据信息只有一个——那个唯一原始文本,那个唯一真实哈姆雷特;中外互译,对作者、读者、自己、三者,不是去演绎,翻译顺达,典雅,应恪守忠信第一;翻译永远是请示,不是诠释,永远为作者、读者、自己,在人格、才识、品位三项负全责;中外互译,归根结底,人文互译;一个单词、一个文字,无论中外,其真正含义、生命活力,不仅在专家学者词典、时尚强大线上机翻,不仅在词法、句法、语法,更多体现在实地、实践中语言、语句、语境、篇章字里行间;翻译要完美原意,须同观原作视野,置身原作境地;翻译要完美原意,更要完美传递,原意传递要完美,其载体修辞,修辞差异切换、对接,不可或缺缺
e. 本作译文尚有无奈数笔,期待更多诗友、译友积极参与,相互学习,共同提高
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