1988年,基于美国很多文艺出版社不愿承担发表国际作品的风险,Elzbieta Szoka 和Joe Bratcher首先在美国德克萨斯州的首府奥斯汀,成立了霍斯特出版社(Host Publications),出版了《三部当代巴西戏剧》。这只是开始,随后,他们认为,更多有能量的、多样化的、未被发掘和正确认识其价值的作品应尽快面世,于是《脏山羊》杂志(The Dirty Goat )面世。
过去25年,《脏山羊》共出版了25期杂志,其鲜明特征是其选稿地区极广,有来自如土耳其、希腊、印度、比利时、刚果、丹麦、中国,还有不可胜数的其它地区作品。每期内容都包括诗歌、散文、戏剧、访谈和视觉艺术,开本为8" X 10"大小,平均150页。这本双语杂志给死气沉沉的美国出版界带来了活力。一年一度的《脏山羊》,用杰出的、富有想象力的作品荡涤这个星球,而这些作品原本极有可能在读者面前永远湮没。
总第24期《脏山羊》,穿越五大洲,为您带来真正全球性的文学体验。此期《脏山羊》,首次拜访了坦桑尼亚诗人Euphrase Kezilahabi,他用斯瓦希里语和英语双语写作。另一位首次在杂志上亮相的非洲国家是摩洛哥,它带了Tahar Ben Jelloun 的时政散文。这期也推出了亚洲诗坛的杰出代表,如双语写作的韩国诗人Moon Chung-Hee,以及当下中国最具创造力的七位诗人(胡冬、韩东、祝凤鸣、于坚、朱永良、宋琳、曾宏)。然后我们再回到法国,欣赏Jan Siesling在《大师》中怎样虚构一件文艺复兴作品的创作过程,再推出一组由诗人Miquèl Decòr所作的独特的多语诗(法语,欧西坦语和英语),诗中还附有Christine Noad的插画。接着,《困境》,是一出由著名的奥地利诗人、剧作家、维也纳新浪漫主义文学运动领导者霍夫曼斯塔尔创作的戏剧,以及意大利作家Fausto Paravidino的《Still Life in Ditch》,令这期杂志能清晰地触摸到欧洲戏剧脉略。最后一篇是阿根廷作家鲁道夫·沃尔什(Rodolfo Walsh)的《Irish After A Cat》,这是个超现实而复杂的故事。代表美国的,是Kurt Heinzelman的创造性诗歌和当代美国艺术家Rob Seward的视觉/装置艺术。
The Dirty Goat 24 traverses five continents, bringing you a truly global literary experience. For the first time, The Dirty Goat visits Tanzania with the bilingual Swahili and English poetry of Euphrase Kezilahabi. Another African nation making its debut in the journal is Morocco, with the political and timely prose of Tahar Ben Jelloun. Asian poetry is well represented in this issue, with the bilingual Korean poetry of Moon Chung-Hee as well as poems from seven of China's most dynamic contemporary poets. We return to France with Jan Siesling's fictional account of the creation of a Renaissance masterpiece in The Master and present a unique selection of trilingual (French, Occitan and English) poems by Miquèl Decòr, accompanied by illustrations by Christine Noad. The Difficult, a play by noted German dramatist and librettist Hugo Von Hofmannsthal, and the Roshoman inspired Still Life in Ditch by Italian Fausto Paravidino lend a bold touch of European drama to this issue. Argentine writer Rodolfo Walsh's Irish After A Cat is a surreal and complex story that closes the issue. The United States is represented with the inventive poetry of Kurt Heinzelman and the visual art/installation of contemporary American artist Rob Seward. With a variety of literature from five continents and sixteen countries, The Dirty Goat 24 is a global literary delight.
Concentrating on private impressions and conversations in published poems is self-evident for many, maybe for most people who read, write, translate, edit such stuff. But China, and also Taiwan to a certain extent, have put into question art, books, beauty, skills, traditions, language- anything had to serve the Party, and what the Party couldn't use could not exist. Capitalism does it too, everything that doesn't pay, that we can't finance, cannot remain. They get along splendidly, finance and centralized state, Mao and the Mammon. That's how the modern world was developed.
“Beneath our feet, we couldn’t see through dust and ash, rank growth of old. Father holding his iron staff, asking me: ‘Are you afraid?’ Oh, I raised my head, Orion sparkling right in the middle, space reverberations sounding from eons– falling silently, are those meteors, one blue whiplash after the other?” 流星記事, Meteor Account, or Meteor Accounts, by Zhu Fengming 祝凤鸣 (Oct. 1996). Nick Kaldis just showed me his translation of Meteor Account, from a dozen Chinese poems in the magazine Dirty Goat (#24 February 2011).The quote above is in my own translation, I couldn’t resist. Rank growth of old – 古蟒 or 古莽? Nick Kaldis thinks there might be a misprint. (“古蟒 would refer to a snake known from fossil remains, the Paleopython, while 古莽 refers to rank grass.”). 祝凤鸣,男,1964年生于安徽宿松县… Zhu Fengming (born 1964) is a geologist from Anhui.
The existence of space. Of God(s). Yin-yang, fengshui. Existence of wonder. Or the other way, wonder of existence. Outside the Party. Very much among the common people on the other hand, in the countryside, barefoot doctors, and so on, in the rest of Zhu Fengming’s poem.
Yes, 蟒 (mang3) may be a misprint for the homophonous character 莽 (mang3). 古莽之國, the ancient uncultured state. The Book of Liezi. 古莽之國 ,出《列子周穆王第三》,屬迺古三國。三國者何也?古莽之國、中央之國、阜落之國也。蓋處天地之外、神話之中,事未可徵,史未可考。古莽之地,陰陽不交,寒暑不辨;民不衣不食而多眠,五旬一覺,而以夢為真,真為妄也。
Space, spaceflight. A great achievement. “Sister killed her baby ’cause she couldn’t afford to feed it we are sending people to the moon.” Prince, Sign o’ the Times. Really, I think they should have written more about this in the international papers. Yes, it worked, no-one died, Wang Yaping 王亞平 teaching from space, tens of millions watching and listening to her. A great leap, a giant leap, really. Responsibility, great responsibility. How many things could go wrong, in space, for the nation. Planning everything, the very opposite of wu wei. That’s how the famine came. No space for real wondering. Everything organized, all propaganda, all of the nation. They are planning, they have begun to move hundreds of millions more to the cities. Destroying small farms, villages, settlements, temples. Like they destroyed the ancient cities.
They should write about spaceflight, every time. I have to get back to my daughter. Show her the videos from Shenzhou 10.