初感原作,如其一首诗,其若一封信;其中“假如、即使、抑或、万一... ...”原作落笔,不偏不倚,精当适度,看似生怕越雷池一步,堪称异域上品诗歌无误;分析原作创意:虽置身凶险,危在旦夕,仍视死如归,乐观应对,仍谨言慎语安抚至亲,给力至亲:两手准备,信奉生命弱小,听命万物神主安排;其用笔让人想起诸如:“东边日出西边雨... ...,忽报人间曾伏虎... ...,山叠嶂,水纵横,顶风逆水雄心在”等祖国诗词移就修辞手法。
——by Keith Douglas (UK)
孤 帆 遁 影
——作者:季思 · 道格拉斯(英)
Well, I am thinking this may be my last
summer, but cannot lose even a part (13')
of pleasure in the old-fashioned art (1)
of idleness. I cannot stand aghast (2)
是的,虽然在想,妳或是我最后的夏天, (13)
可我,我这闲情逸致,仍不减当年, (1.2)
可我,我这诗情画意,仍一如既往,信笔悠然; (1)
at whatever doom hovers in the background (3)
while grass and trees and the somnolent river
who know they are allowed to last for ever
exchange between them the whole subdued sound (4')
听吧,大河沉沉草木寂,他们,他们在窃窃私语, (4)
焦灼,焦灼啊,水深火热,永垂,永垂吧,放行草木江河, (3)
of this hot time. What sudden fearful fate (3.5)
can deter my shade wandering next year (6)
from a return? Whistle, and I will hear (7')
and come another evening when this boat
问主,问主啊,余生之旅,风云叵测, (5.6)
Oh——起锚!但愿舰船,驶过明晚, (7)
一帆风顺,有妳相伴,Iffley!就在前畔: (8)
travels with you alone towards Iffley: (9')
as you lie looking up for thunder again, (10)
this cool touch does not betoken rain; (11 = 喻体“泪泣”;12')
it is my spirit that kisses your mouth lightly.
回妳,回妳,回妳更酷,更酷啊——雷人一笔, (10')
夏天啊夏天:雷声他——他不想妳,不想妳落雨; (12)
吻妳,吻妳,他用心灵,用心灵,在深深吻着妳 ... ...
译 注:
1. 首先致谢译友选来好诗,大家分享共勉
2. 原作语感:既坚韧、刚毅,郁郁悲壮,又肝肠细腻、柔情入微,尽显担当气概男儿豪迈
3. exchange(4'):本作=交换意见
4. Whistle(7') :本作=鸣笛起航;参考:a bird rushed up in a whistle
5. Iffley (9') :地名
6. 更酷啊——雷人一笔(10'):本作=再次获悉
7. cool touch (12'):本作=来自客观对主观的精神或物质性较强触动
8. summer:(13')=喻体;( 本体:语境主人公回复对象/至亲 )
9. alone towards(9'):本作=径直而往
10. 这里留下翻译中的思考体会,以便互动交流,欢迎其他师友继续提出批评意见,互相交流,形式自定义