补 丁:
约翰·阿什贝利(John Ashbery)1927生于纽约州罗切斯特。美国最有影响的诗人之一。毕业于哈佛大学和哥伦比亚大学。1965年前在法国任《先驱论坛报》艺术评论员,后回纽约。1974年起在大学任教。后现代诗歌代表人物。其诗集《凸面镜中的自画像》获得国家图书奖和普利策奖。 阿什贝利的诗机智幽默、抽象深邃,是继艾略特和斯蒂文斯之后美国最有影响的诗人。
《 英 诗 汉 译 与 鉴 赏 》- 2018 第一版
原 文 / 译 注 / 译 文
The Poem That Took The Place Of A Mountain
____ Wallace - Stevens( USA / 1879 -1955)
修 诗 抵 修 山
____ 华莱士 · 史蒂文斯( 美 / 1879 -1955)
There it was, word for word, ( 为文难, 难于上青天 ) 一字,一字,一字字 ... ...
The poem that took the place of a mountain. 看哪,修诗篇,堪抵修青山。
He breathed its oxygen, ( 自信自强,不甘平庸 ) 啊,这山但凡有氧在,汲取,汲取,
Even when the book lay turned in the dust of his table. 纵我诗宅沉沦书山里。(1)
It reminded him how he had needed ( 反思自省, 字斟句酌,重组语言) 看,囧境鸣预警,困顿催启程,
A place to go to in his own direction, 遍山松柏亟待, 要我重作安排,
How he had recomposed the pines, ( 不落俗套,克服困难,写出特色 ) 快 , 我应独辟蹊径,我该特色前行,
Shifted the rocks and picked his way among clouds, 我须调岩整石择路,我要穿越层层迷雾,
For the outlook that would be right, ( 写出自我,至美不胜言) 快呀 , 向着理想,攀缘,向着完美,攀缘,
Where he would be complete in an unexplained completion: 美不胜收,实现自我,妙不可言:
The exact rock where his inexactness-es(为创新创意逆袭涅槃) Ah,我的愿景啊,瑕疵变亮点,败笔成景观
Would discover, at last, the view toward which they had edged, 匠心创意呀——砺璞成玉!完美精湛—— (2.3)
Where he could lie and, gazing down at the sea, (力求独占鳌头翘楚业界) Oh,看吧,舍我傲岸书山诗海,
Recognize his unique and solitary home. Ye,其谁独领风骚家园!
特 别 鸣 谢:
主要参考文献 1
主要参考文献 2
主要参考文献 3
译 注:
1. his table:本文中 = 其圈内/业界
2. toward which:本文中 = 意向中(经打磨/修整/加工的)
3. had edged:本文中 = 经打磨/修整/加工的