It was hard by the howe’s there, plainly on this disoluded and a buchan cold spot, rupestric then, resurfaced that now is, that Luttrell sold if Lautrill bought, in the saddle of the Brennan’s (now Malpasplace?) pass, versts and versts from true civilisation, not where his dreams top their traums halt (Beneathere! Benathere!) but where livland yontide meared with the wilde, saltlea with flood, that the attackler, a cropatkin, though under medium and between colours with truly native pluck, engaged the Adversary who had more in his eye than was less to his leg but whom for plunder sake, he mistook in the heavy rain to be Oglethorpe or some other ginkus, Parr aparrently, to whom the headandheelless chickenestegg bore some Michelangiolesque resemblance, making use of sacrilegious languages to the defect that he would challenge their hemosphores to exterminate them but he would cannonise the b - y b - r’s life out of him and lay him out contritely as smart as the b - r had his b - y nightprayers said, three patrecknocksters and a couplet of hellmuirries (tout est sacré pour un sacreur, femme à barbe ou homme-nourrice) at the same time, so as to plugg well let the blubbywail ghoats out of him, catching holst of an oblong bar he had and with which he usually broke furnitures he rose the stick at him. The boarder incident prerepeated itself. The pair (whethertheywere Nippoluono engaging Wei-Ling-Taou or de Razzkias trying to reconnoistre the general Boukeleff, man may not say), struggled apairently for some considerable time, (the cradle rocking equally to one and oppositely from the other on its law of capture and recapture), under the All In rules around the booksafe, fighting like purple top and tipperuhry Swede, (Secremented Servious of the Divine Zeal !) and in the course of their tussle the toller man, who had opened his bully bowl to beg, said to the miner who was carrying the worm (a handy term for the portable distillery which consisted of three vats, two jars and several bottles though we purposely say nothing of the stiff, both parties having an interest in the spirits): Let me go, Pautheen! I hardly knew ye. Later on, after the solstitial pause for refleshmeant, the same man (or a different and younger him of the same ham) asked in the vermicular with a very oggly chew-chin-grin: Was six victolios fifteen pigeon takee offa you, tell he me, stlongfella, by pickypocky ten to foul months behindaside? There were some further collidabanter and severe tries to convert for the best part of an hour and now a woden affair in the shape of a webley (we at once recognise our old friend Ned of so many illortemporate letters) fell from the intruser who, as stuck as that cat to that mouse in that tube of that christchurch organ, (did the imnage of Girl Cloud Pensive flout above them light young charm, in ribbons and pigtail?) whereupon became friendly and, saying not his shirt to tear, to know wanted, joking and knobkerries, all aside laying, if his change companion who stuck still to the in vention of his strongbox, with a tenacity corrobberating their mutual tenitorial rights, happened to have the loots change of a tenpound crickler about him at the moment, addling that hap so, he would pay him back the six vics odd, do you see, out of that for what was taken on the man of samples last Yuni or Yuly, do you follow me, Capn? To this the other, Billi with the Boule, who had mummed and mauled up to that (for he was hesitency carried to excelcism) rather amusedly replied: Woowoo would you be grossly surprised, Hill, to learn that, as it so happens, I honestly have not such a thing as the loo, as the least chance of a tinpanned crackler anywhere about me at the present mohomoment but I believe I can see my way, as you suggest, it being Yuletide or Yuddanfest and as it’s mad nuts, son, for you when it’s hatter’s hares, mon, for me, to advance you something like four and sevenpence between hopping and trapping which you might just as well have, boy baches, to buy J. J. and S. with. There was a minute silence before memory’s fire’s rekindling and then. Heart alive ! Which at very first wind of gay gay and whiskwigs wick’s ears pricked up, the starving gunman, strike him pink, became strangely calm and forthright sware by all his lards porsenal that the thorntree of sheol might ramify up his Sheofon to the lux apointlex but he would go good to him suntime marx my word fort, for a chip off the old Flint, (in the Nichtian glossery which purveys aprioric roots for aposteriorious tongues this is nat language at any sinse of the world and one might as fairly go and kish his sprogues as fail to certify whether the wartrophy eluded at some lives earlier was that somethink like a jug, to what, a coctable) and remarxing in languidoily, seemingly much more highly pleased than tongue could tell at this opening of a lifetime and the foretaste of the Dun Bank pearlmothers and the boy to wash down which he would feed to himself in the Ruadh Cow at Tallaght and then into the Good Woman at Ringsend and after her inat Conway’s Inn at Blackrock and, first to fall, cursed be all, where appetite would keenest be, atte, funeral fare or fun fain real, Adam and Eve’s in Quantity Street by the grace of gamy queen Tailte, her will and testament: You stunning little southdowner! I’d know you anywhere, Declaney, let me truthfully tell you in or out of the lexinction of life and who the hell else, be your blanche patch on the boney part! Goalball I’ve struck this daylit dielate night of nights, by golly! My hat, you have some bully German grit, sundowner! He spud in his faust (axin); he toped the raw best (pardun); he poked his pick (a tip is a tap): and he tucked his friend’s leave.And, with French hen or the portlifowlium of hastes and leisures, about to continue that, the queer mixture exchanged the pax in embrace or poghue puxy as practised between brothers of the same breast, hillelulia, killelulia, allenalaw, and, having ratified before the god of the day their torgantruce which belittlers have schmallkalled the treatyng to cognac, turning his fez menialstrait in the direction of Moscas, he first got rid of a few mitsmillers and hurooshoos and levanted off with tubular jurbulance at a bull’s run over the assback bridge, spitting his teeths on rooths, with the seven and four in danegeld and their humoral hurlbat or other uncertain weapon of lignum vitae, but so evermore rhumanasant of a toboggan poop, picked up to keep some crowplucking appointment with some rival rialtos anywheres between Pearidge and the Littlehorn while this poor delaney, who they left along with the confederate fender behind and who albeit ballsbluffed, bore up wonderfully wunder all of it with a whole number of plumsized contusiums, plus alasalah bruised coccyx, all over him, reported the occurance in the best way he could, to the flabbergaze of the whole lab, giving the Paddybanners the military salute as for his exilicy’s the O’Daffy, in justifiable hope that, in nobiloroman review of the hugely sitisfactuary conclusium of their negotiations and the jugglemonkysh agripment deinderivative, some lotion or fomentation of poppyheads would be jennerously exhibited to the parts, at the nearest watchhouse in Vicar Lane, the white ground of his face all covered with digonally redcrossed nonfatal mammalian blood as proofpositive of the seriousness of his character and that he was bleeding in self defience (stanch it!) from the nostrils, lips, pavilion and palate, while some of his hitter’s hairs had been pulled off his knut’s head by Colt though otherwise his allround health appeared to be middling along as it proved most fortunate that not one of the two hundred and six bones and five hundred and one muscles in his corso was a whit the whorse for her whacking. Herwho?
It was hard by the howe’s there, plainly on this disoluded and a buchan cold spot, rupestric then, resurfaced that now is, that Luttrell sold if Lautrill bought, in the saddle of the Brennan’s (now Malpasplace?) pass, versts and versts from true civilisation, not where his dreams top their traums halt (Beneathere! Benathere!) but where livland yontide meared with the wilde, saltlea with flood, that the attackler, a cropatkin, though under medium and between colours with truly native pluck, engaged the Adversary who had more in his eye than was less to his leg but whom for plunder sake, he mistook in the heavy rain to be Oglethorpe or some other ginkus, Parr aparrently, to whom the headandheelless chickenestegg bore some Michelangiolesque resemblance, making use of sacrilegious languages to the defect that he would challenge their hemosphores to exterminate them but he would cannonise the b - y b - r’s life out of him and lay him out contritely as smart as the b - r had his b - y nightprayers said, three patrecknocksters and a couplet of hellmuirries (tout est sacré pour un sacreur, femme à barbe ou homme-nourrice) at the same time, so as to plugg well let the blubbywail ghoats out of him, catching holst of an oblong bar he had and with which he usually broke furnitures he rose the stick at him.
【词汇1】hard by
(1)hard by:习语:靠近(close by)。
【词汇2】howe's there
(1)Howe: 维京土山的地址(site of Thingmote)。
(2)howe: 土语:坟墓,古墓,土丘(tumulus, barrow, burial mound )。
(3)howe: 方言:中空的,山谷的(hollow, vale)。
(5)who's there? :谁在那里?
【词汇4】 buchan cold spot
(1)Buchan cold spells: 巴肯寒流。
据说每年都会有在大致相同日期的寒冷天气,由19世纪苏格兰气象学家亚历山大.巴肯(Alexander Buchan)提出,但后来被揭穿。
(2)old spot :旧地。
(2)rupestral: 生长在岩石上的(growing on rock )。
(1)Henry Luttrell: 亨利.卢特雷尔。
威廉派:支持英国国王威廉三世(William III)的人,尤指在17世纪晚期和18世纪初期的英国和爱尔兰。
(2)Luttrell Psalter: 鲁特瑞尔诗篇。
14世纪的彩绘手稿,1929年被大英博物馆(the British Museum)购买。
【词汇7】in the saddle of
(1)in the shadow of:在…的阴影下。
(2)saddle: 鞍形脊。
【词汇8】Brennan pass
(1)Willie Brennan: 威利.布伦南。
18世纪的爱尔兰拦路强盗,歌谣《沼泽上的布伦南》(Brennan on the Moor)的主人公。
(2)Brenner’s Pass: 布伦纳山口。
穿越阿尔卑斯山(the Alps)的山口。
(1)Mal Pas: 马尔帕斯。
巴萨鲁(Béroul)小说《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》(Tristan and Iseult)中的一片泥泞。
(2)Malpas Place:马尔帕斯广场。
(3)Mapas High Hill:马帕斯高山。
都柏林湾南端的基里尼山(Killiney Hill)曾被称为“马帕斯高山”,得名于山顶的马帕斯方尖碑(Mapas Obelisk)。
【词汇10】versts and versts from true civilisation
(2)miles from civilisation:远离文明。
miles from civilisation直译:离文明的英里数。
(3)true civilisation:真正的文明。
【词汇12】traums halt
(1)Trauminhalt: 德语:梦的内容(dream content )。
(2)Ben Edar: 盎格鲁-爱尔兰语:霍斯(Howth (Howth Head))。
萨顿和霍斯有轨电车(Sutton and Howth Electric Tramway)通往都柏林湾(Dublin Bay)北部边缘霍斯海角(Howth Head)的霍斯山顶(the Hill of Howth)。
(3)been there:在那里。
(1)Livland: 利夫兰。
(1)yon tide:那边的潮水。
(2)one time:一次。
(1)mear: 废语:与…接壤(to border with, to abut upon)。
(1)Oscar Wilde :奥斯卡.王尔德。
(1)lea: 古语:未开垦的土地,牧场(untilled land, pasture land)。
【词汇19】attackler, a cropatkin
(1)attacker :攻击者。
(2)Mount Croagh Patrick:克罗帕特里克山。
在爱尔兰的梅奥(Mayo)郡。是一个主要的朝圣地点,因为据说圣帕特里克(Saint Patrick)在四旬斋(Lent)的四十天里在山顶禁食。
(3)Peter Alexeivich Kropotkin: 彼得.阿列克谢维奇.克鲁泡特金。
(4)Fred Atkins:弗雷德.阿特金斯。
【词汇20】under medium
(1)under medium height:中等身高以下。
(2)medium: 灵媒。
与死者交流的人(a person communicating with the dead)。
如特拉弗斯.史密斯(Travers Smith):来自奥斯卡.王尔德的通灵信息,声称包含了与奥斯卡.王尔德交流的灵媒的手稿。
【词汇21】between colours
(1)between allegiances:在忠诚之间。
(2)off colour: 习语:有点不舒服(slightly unwell)。
(1)the Adversary:对手,敌手。
【词汇23】who had more in his eye than was less to his leg
(1)who had more in his eye than was less to his leg:在他眼中更多,到他的腿更少。
这是字面意思,真正的意思是:为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺呢(And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye)。
出自于《新约.马太福音(Matthew)》,这是《圣经》著名的箴言,完整的句子是:为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢。(And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?)
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
【词汇24】for plunder sake
(1)for plunder' sake:为了掠夺。
弗莱明(Fleming):《布洛涅-苏梅尔》 (Boulogne-sur-Mer ,法国北部的一座城市,位于英吉利海峡沿岸,是法国最大的渔港之一): 爱尔兰舰队习惯于航行到英国进行掠夺(for the sake of plunder),并将他们俘虏的人带到爱尔兰。
(1)James Oglethorpe: 詹姆斯.奥格尔索普。
(1)gink: 俚语:家伙,伙伴(fellow)。
(3)Genghis (Khan):成吉思汗(可汗)。
(1)Old Parr :老帕尔。
即托马斯. 帕尔(Thomas Parr)(1483一1635),英国朝臣,在一百余岁时使一个女性怀孕。
(2)parr: 幼鲑鱼(young salmon)。
(1)apparently :显然。
【词汇29】headandheelless chickenestegg
(1)headless chicken: 口语:行为疯狂的人( a person acting in a frantic manner)。
headless chicken直译:无头鸡。
(2)chickenless egg:生不出小鸡的蛋。
歌曲《我几乎不认识你这家伙》(Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye):“你这个没有眼睛,没有鼻子,生不出小鸡的蛋。”(Ye eyeless, noseless, chickenless egg)
(3)chickenest egg:最像鸡的蛋。
(4)nest egg: 储蓄。
nest egg直译:窝里的蛋。
(1)Michelangelesque: 米开朗基罗式的。
(2)angiolo, angiola: 意大利语:天使(angel)。
【词汇34】he would cannonise
(1)he would... prerepeated itself:他会……预先自我重复。
【词汇35】b — y b — r's life out of him
(1)bloody bugger's:血腥的鸡奸者的。
(2)out of him :从他身上。
即kill him:杀了他。
【词汇36】as smart as
(1)as soon as:一…就。
【词汇37】b — r had his b — y
(1)bugger had his bloody:鸡奸者有他的血。
【词汇38】three patrecknocksters
(1)Saint Patrick:圣帕特里克。
(2)prayer Paternosters:祈祷文。
如:万福玛利亚(Hail Marys)(忏悔祈祷)。
【词汇39】a couplet of hellmuirries
(1)a couple of:一对。
(2)chaplet: 念珠。
(3) Muire: 爱尔兰语:玛利亚(Mary)。
仅指圣母玛利亚(Virgin Mary)。
【词汇40】tout est sacré pour un sacreur, femme à barbe ou homme-nourrice
(1)tout est sacré pour un sacreur, femme à barbe ou homme-nourrice: 法语:一切对一个献祭者、一个留胡子的女人或一个男奶妈来说都是神圣的(everything is sacred for a consecrator, a bearded woman, or a male wetnurse )。
主题:混合性别(mixed gender)。
(2)Rien n'est sacré pour un sapeur :法语:对于一个工兵来说没有什么是神圣的(Nothing is sacred for a sapper)。
(3)La femme à barbe :法语:有胡子的女人。
【词汇41】plugg well let the blubbywail ghoats
(1)bloody well let the bloody well ghost:血井让血井的鬼…
(3)let the goats out:把山羊放出去。
(4)give up the ghost:习语:死去(to die)。
(5)blubber: 哭泣、呜咽、哀号(to weep, sob, wail)。
【词汇42】catching holst of an oblong bar he had
(1)catching hold of a long bar he had:抓住他手里的一根长棍。
那里靠近维京土山的地址(|坟墓,古墓,土丘|中空的,山谷的|房子|谁在那里?),很明显,在这荒凉(|裸露的,剥蚀的)和巴肯寒流(|旧地)的地方,彼时生长在岩石上(|石洞的),现在重新浮出的地方,如果劳特里尔买,亨利.卢特雷尔(|鲁特瑞尔诗篇)就卖,在布伦纳山口(|威利.布伦南)的阴影下(现在是马尔帕斯广场(|马尔帕斯|马帕斯高山)吗?),通过,离真正的文明多少俄里(|远离文明),不在他的梦停止(|顶部),他们梦的内容(|电车)停止的地方 (霍斯(|在…下方|在那里)!霍斯!),而在利菲河(|利夫兰)那边的潮水(|一次)与奥斯卡.王尔德合并(|与…接壤)的地方,未开垦的盐地伴随着洪水,攻击者,克罗帕特里克山(|彼得.阿列克谢维奇.克鲁泡特金|弗雷德.阿特金斯),虽然在中等身高(|灵媒)以下,在忠诚之间(|有点不舒服),带着真正的本土勇气,与敌手(|对手)交战,在他眼中更多,到他的腿更少,但为了掠夺敌手,他在大雨中误以为是詹姆斯.奥格尔索普或其他家伙(|伙伴|天才|成吉思汗(可汗)),显然,对于幼鲑鱼(|老帕尔)来说,行为疯狂的人(|生不出小鸡的蛋|最像鸡的蛋|储蓄)让一些类似于米开朗基罗式的(|天使)人厌烦,利用亵渎神灵的语言来让他实现(|效果)挑战他们的半球(|血…|信号),以消灭他们,但他会预先从他身上自我重复(|推崇,把…封圣)血腥的鸡奸者的生命,然后,当黑夜的祈祷者一说“鸡奸者有他的血”,他就懊悔地放倒他,三个圣帕特里克(|祈祷文)和一对念珠(|玛利亚) (一切对一个献祭者、一个留胡子的女人或一个男奶妈来说都是神圣的(|对于一个工兵来说没有什么是神圣的|有胡子的女人)),同一时间,为了血井(|堵塞)让血井的鬼(|把山羊放出去|死去|哭泣、呜咽、哀号)从他身上出来,抓住他手里的一根长棍,他经常用它打碎家具,他对他举起了长棍。
It was hard by the howe’s there, plainly on this disoluded and a buchan cold spot, rupestric then, resurfaced that now is, that Luttrell sold if Lautrill bought, in the saddle of the Brennan’s (now Malpasplace?) pass, versts and versts from true civilisation, not where his dreams top their traums halt (Beneathere! Benathere!) but where livland yontide meared with the wilde, saltlea with flood, that the attackler, a cropatkin, though under medium and between colours with truly native pluck, engaged the Adversary who had more in his eye than was less to his leg but whom for plunder sake, he mistook in the heavy rain to be Oglethorpe or some other ginkus, Parr aparrently, to whom the headandheelless chickenestegg bore some Michelangiolesque resemblance, making use of sacrilegious languages to the defect that he would challenge their hemosphores to exterminate them but he would cannonise the b - y b - r’s life out of him and lay him out contritely as smart as the b - r had his b - y nightprayers said, three patrecknocksters and a couplet of hellmuirries (tout est sacré pour un sacreur, femme à barbe ou homme-nourrice) at the same time, so as to plugg well let the blubbywail ghoats out of him, catching holst of an oblong bar he had and with which he usually broke furnitures he rose the stick at him.
【在布伦纳山口(|威利.布伦南)的阴影下(现在是马尔帕斯广场(|马尔帕斯|马帕斯高山)吗?),通过,离真正的文明多少俄里(|远离文明),不在他的梦停止(|顶部),他们梦的内容(|电车)停止的地方 (霍斯(|在…下方|在那里)!霍斯!),而在利菲河(|利夫兰)那边的潮水(|一次)与奥斯卡.王尔德合并(|与…接壤)的地方,】:这里还是说地点,但也可以理解为上文说的寒冷通过的路线。还可以理解为军队行进的路线。表面上是在说两个人打架,实际上在说历史上的战争。而且还未必是爱尔兰某一次具体的战争。
“不在他的梦停止(|顶部),他们梦的内容(|电车)停止的地方 (霍斯(|在…下方|在那里)!霍斯!)”:“他的梦停止”的地方指现代文明阻碍了梦想,真正的梦想是在古代,这是西方知识分子普遍的观念,例如叶芝,人家批评他“如此看不起他的时代”。尼采甚至要求重返前苏格拉底时代,正是苏格拉底开始的理性主义败坏了西方文明。
【未开垦的盐地伴随着洪水,攻击者,克罗帕特里克山(|彼得.阿列克谢维奇.克鲁泡特金|弗雷德.阿特金斯), 虽然在中等身高(|灵媒)以下,在忠诚之间(|有点不舒服),带着真正的本土勇气,与敌手(|对手)交战,在他眼中更多,到他的腿更少,但为了掠夺敌手,他在大雨中误以为是詹姆斯.奥格尔索普或其他家伙(|伙伴|天才|成吉思汗(可汗)),】:这里开始描述攻击者,以及打架开始时,对手互相怒视的情况。
“显然,对于幼鲑鱼(|老帕尔)来说”:“幼鲑鱼(|老帕尔)”这个词组我们前面见过,是说英国朝臣托马斯. 帕尔,在一百余岁时使一个女性怀孕,老和幼的辩证法,老家伙像“幼鲑鱼”一样有性能力,也就是说,青春还粘附在老躯体身上。
“利用亵渎神灵的语言来让他实现(|效果)挑战他们的半球(|血…|信号),以消灭他们”:“行为疯狂的人”(即“他”,代表大众的一员)解构了神话,用“亵渎神灵的语言”首先让他自己具有挑战神灵的能力,“他们的半球” 指代“天球、地球、大脑”,使人联想到米开朗基罗的天顶壁画《创世记》中的地球。
“但他会预先从他身上自我重复(|推崇,把…封圣)血腥的鸡奸者的生命”:“血腥的鸡奸者”指代基督教先知或教士,《尤利西斯》有【男修士(衣裤齐全,两眼俯视)对修女(半裸体,正视)进行鸡奸图】,老乔说“鸡奸者”,多半和基督教有关。修士就是传播教义之人,爱基督的人,所以说他们是“鸡奸者”,即同性恋者。当然,鸡奸也可以是男人干女人的肛门。最近看的一本书《一本最危险的书:塔西佗《日耳曼尼亚志》-从罗马帝国到第三帝国-(美)克里斯托夫.B.克里布斯荆腾译》 上说:德国人指责意大利人喜欢鸡奸:
“他就懊悔地放倒他”,“懊悔”好理解,是基督教的忏悔教义,“放倒他”(lay him out)不是太好理解,放倒他的对手吗?打架还没开始不可能就“放倒他的对手”,从后文看,应该和基督的那些神迹有关(即后文:“为了血井让血井的鬼从他身上出来”),如果是这样的话,那么“放倒他”就意味着打架的一方内心里的半个基督徒复活了,忏悔教义占了上风,把他内在的另外半个魔鬼赶出去了。