1.3.15. 第1书第3章第15自然段翻译与解读
Be these meer marchant taylor’s fablings of a race referend with oddman rex? Is now all seenheard then forgotten? Can it was, one is fain in this leaden age of letters now to wit, that so diversified outrages (they have still to come!) were planned and partly carried out against so staunch a covenanter if it be true than any of those recorded ever took place for many, we trow, beyessed to and denayed of, are given to us by some who use the truth but sparingly and we, on this side ought to sorrow for their pricking pens on that account. The seventh city, Urovivla, his citadear of refuge, whither (would we believe the laimen and their counts), beyond the outraved gales of Atreeatic, changing clues with a baggermalster, the hejirite had fled, silentioussuemeant under night’s altosonority, shipalone, a raven of the wave, (be mercy, Mara! A he whence Rahoulas!) from the ostmen’s dirtby on the old vic, to forget in expiating manslaughter and, reberthing in remarriment out of dead seekness to devine previdence, (if you are looking for the bilder deep your ear on the movietone!) to league his lot, palm and patte, with a papishee. For mine qvinne I thee giftake and bind my hosenband I thee halter. The wastobe land, a lottuse land, a luctuous land, Emeraldilluim, the peasant pastured, in which by the fourth commandment with promise his days apostolic were to be long by the abundant mercy of Him Which Thundereth From On High, murmured, would rise against him with all which in them were, franchisables and inhabitands, astea as agora, helotsphilots, do him hurt, poor jink, ghostly following bodily, as were he made a curse for them, the corruptible lay quick, all saints of incorruption of an holy nation, the common or ere-in-garden castaway, in red resurrection to condemn so they might convince him, first pharoah, Humpheres Cheops Exarchas, of their proper sins. Business bred to speak with a stiff upper lip to all men and most occasions the Man we wot of took little short of fighting chances but for all that he or his or his care were subjected to the horrors of the premier terror of Errorland. (perorhaps!)
【词汇2】marchant taylor
(1)merchant sailor: 商船水手。
(2)marchant: 法语:走(walking)。
(4)Merchant Tailors:商业裁缝。
施洗者圣约翰商业裁缝公会(Merchant Tailors ' Guild of Saint John the Baptist)。
(1)fabling: 讲寓言故事(telling of fables)。
【词汇4】race referend with oddman rex
(1)right reverend:法师。
“right reverend”直译就是“正确的教士”,前面说到,中世纪的口号之一是“教会永远正确”。
《爱尔兰政治家》(Irish Statesman)1924年2月2日:“全民公决”( The Referendum):在极端情况下,全民公决有可能让古怪的人成为国王(make the odd man king)。
(3)odd man king:古怪的人成为国王。
(4)odd man: 奇数的人。
(5)rex: 拉丁语:国王(king)。
(6)Oedipus Rex:俄狄浦斯王。
【词汇5】all seenheard then forgotten
(1)all seen, all heard forgotten:所见所闻皆忘。
特罗根(Trogan):《法国的历史词汇》(Les Mots Historiques du Pays de France):“玛丽.安托瓦内特”(MARIE-ANTOINETTE):几个月后,当被问及对法国大革命的看法时,她说:“这一切我都看见了,都听见了,也都忘记了。” (I have seen it all, heard it all and forgotten it all)。
【词汇6】one is fain
(1)fain: 古语:被迫的(obliged, forced )。
(2)one is fain:一个人不得不。
哈里斯(Harris):《奥斯卡.王尔德的一生与告白》(Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions) 讲述奥斯卡.王尔德在美国的巡回演讲)“今天我们不得不(One is fain)承认这些讲座读起来很糟糕、”
【词汇7】leaden age of letters
(1)leaden age of letters:信件的铅的时代。
菲茨帕特里克(Fitzpatrick)《爱尔兰和不列颠的形成》(Ireland and the Making of Britain):“君士坦丁堡(Constantinopolitan)时代的黑暗,与西方的铁、铅和黑暗的时代平行。
(1)covenanter: 圣约人。
17世纪苏格兰圣约运动(Covenant movement)的成员,与长老会(presbyterianism)有关。
【词汇10】than any
(1)that any:任何。
(1)trow: 古英语:相信(to believe)。
(1)bejaht: 德语:同意(assented to)。
(1) prick: 俚语:阴茎(penis)。
【词汇16】The seventh city
(1)The seventh city:第七大城市。
乔伊斯(Joyce)《一个青年艺术家的肖像》 指都柏林)“基督教世界的第七个城市(the seventh city)”(可能基于沃伯顿,怀特劳和沃尔什:《都柏林市的历史》(Warburton, Whitelaw & Walsh: History of the City of Dublin):都柏林,爱尔兰的首都,在人口和范围上是大英帝国的第二大城市,可能是欧洲的第七大城市,坐落在安娜利菲河上……在面积和人口上超过都柏林的欧洲城市有伦敦、巴黎、君士坦丁堡、维也纳、莫斯科和那不勒斯。
(2)the 3rd city (Troy):第三城(特洛伊)。
希恩(Hirn)《儿童游戏》(Les Jeux d'Enfants):(关于纺纱陀螺的历史) 我们终于有了陶土纺纱顶,可以追溯到我们通常所说的特洛伊第三城。
(2)viv: 丹麦语:妻子(wife)。
【词汇18】citadear of refuge
(2)City of Refuge: 庇护之城。
“City of Refuge” 的复数形式为“Cities of Refuge”:六个《圣经》(Biblical)中的城市,意外误杀的肇事者可以逃到那里避难
(1)Adriatic Sea:亚得里亚海。
【词汇23】changing clues
(1)changed clothes:换衣服。
(2)Bürgermeister: 德语:市长(mayor)。
(3)Bygmester Solness: 挪威语:建筑师(Master Builder Solness)。
(1)Hejira: 伊斯兰教纪元。
原文“the hejirite had fled, silentioussuemeant”解“the horse had fled, silently”:那马静静地逃走了。
赫罗尔德(Herold):《佛陀的生活》(La Vie du Bouddha) 佛陀逃离他父亲的宫殿)他说:“这匹好马在共鸣的夜晚不发出任何声音……门自己静静地(silently)打开了。”
(1)alto: 意大利语:大声的,高的(loud, high, tall)。
(2)altisonant: 大声的,浮夸的(loud, pompous)。
(1)Wasawarthi Mara: 魔王波旬。
(1)Rahoulas: 罗睺罗。
(1)Ostmanby: 奥斯特曼比。
(1)by: 丹麦语:城镇,城市(town, city)。
【词汇32】the old vic
(1)Old Vic: 皇家维多利亚剧院(Royal Victoria Theatre)。
(2)vicus: 拉丁语:村庄(village)。
(1)man's laughter:男人的笑声。
原文“to forget in expiating manslaughter”:忘掉过失杀人罪作出赔偿 。
【词汇36】dead seekness
(2)Dead Sea:死海。
【词汇37】devine previdence
(1)divine providence:神圣的天意。
再生,再婚,死亡,神圣的天意就是维科的四阶段循环(4-stage Viconian cycle):出生、结婚、死亡、天意。
(2)divine: 神圣的。
(3)previdence: 过时的单词:先见之明(foresight, insight into the future)。
(1)Bilder: 德语:图片(pictures)。
(2)Bilderdieb: 德语:专门偷画的小偷(a thief specialising in paintings)。
(1)Movietone News: 电视新闻。
(1)patte: 法语:爪子(paw)。
(2)Pathé News: 百代新闻。
(1)papish: 方言:罗马天主教徒(papist, Roman Catholic)。
(2)papal see:教皇看到。
(3)shee: 盎格鲁-爱尔兰语:仙女(fairy)。
【词汇43】mine qvinne
(1)min kvinde: 丹麦语:我的女人(my woman)。
【词汇43】I thee
(1)I thee:我你。
原文“For mine …I thee …bind my … I thee”解“for mine... I thee... and by my... I thee...”:因为我的…我你…我的天…我你…。
是婚姻誓言的格式,让人想起《公祷书》(The Book of Common Prayer):婚姻:“我以这枚戒指与你结婚,我以我的身体崇拜你,我以我世间所有的财物赠与你”的祈祷。
(1)give and take: 习语:妥协,相互让步(compromise, mutual yielding)。
(2)gifte: 丹麦语:结婚(marry)。
【词汇45】hosenband I thee halter
(1)Hosenbandorden: 德语:嘉德勋章(Order of the Garter)。
(3)halter: 绞索。
(4)Strumpfhalter: 德语:吊袜带(garter)。
【词汇46】The wastobe land
(1) T.S. Eliot: T.S.艾略特:《荒原》(The Waste Land)。
(2)was to be:将是。
(3)ottuso: 意大利语:迟钝的(obtuse, blunt, dull, slow-witted)。
(1)luctuous: 废语:悲伤的(sorrowful, mournful)。
(1)Emerald Isle: 绿宝石岛(a epithet of Ireland)。
(2)Ilium: 拉丁语:特洛伊(Troy)。
【词汇50】peasant pastured
(1)pleasant pasture:愉快的牧场。
【词汇51】the fourth commandment
(1)the fourth commandment:第四诫。
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
【词汇52】be long
(1)be long:很久。
【词汇53】by the abundant mercy of Him Which Thundereth From On High
(1)By the abundant mercy of God who thundereth from on high...:上帝从天上发出雷鸣般的怜悯…
(1) franchissable: 法语:可以通过的(that can be passed)。
(1)astea: 希腊语:城市,城镇(cities, towns)。
(1)agora: 希腊语:集会的地方,市场(place of assembly, market-place)。
(2) agora: 葡萄牙语:现在(now)。
(1)helot: 古语:农奴,奴隶(serf, bondsman )。
(2)philos: 希腊语:爱(loving)。
【词汇59】as were he made a curse for them
(1)as were he made a curse for them:就像他为他们受咒诅一样。
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
--《新约.哥林多前书(1 Corinthians)》
(2)quick: 古语:活着的(alive, living)。
【词汇62】holy nation
(1)an holy nation: 习语:一个圣洁的国度。
And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
【词汇63】the common or ere-in-garden castaway
(1)common or garden: 俚语习语:平凡的(ordinary, common)。
(2)Garden of Erin: 艾琳花园。
爱尔兰卡洛郡(County Carlow)和威克洛郡(County Wicklow)的名字。
(3)Adam and Eve were cast away from the Garden of Eden for their transgression:亚当和夏娃因他们的罪被赶出伊甸园。
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
【词汇65】first pharoah
(1)first pharaoh:第一个法老(暴君)。
【词汇66】Humpheres Cheops Exarchas
(1)Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker:汉弗利.钱普顿.壹耳微蚵。
(2)Cheops: 基奥普斯。
(3)exarch: 总督。
(4)ex archês: 希腊语:从头开始(from the beginning)。
【词汇67】proper sins
(1)proper: 古语:自己的(own )。
“proper sins”解“own sins”:自己的原罪。
(1)wot: 古语:知道(know)。
(1)premier: 法语:最先的(first)。
(1)per ora: 意大利语:暂时(for the time being)。
(2)perorare: 意大利语:恳求(to plead)。
Be these meer marchant taylor’s fablings of a race referend with oddman rex? Is now all seenheard then forgotten? Can it was, one is fain in this leaden age of letters now to wit, that so diversified outrages (they have still to come!) were planned and partly carried out against so staunch a covenanter if it be true than any of those recorded ever took place for many, we trow, beyessed to and denayed of, are given to us by some who use the truth but sparingly and we, on this side ought to sorrow for their pricking pens on that account. The seventh city, Urovivla, his citadear of refuge, whither (would we believe the laimen and their counts), beyond the outraved gales of Atreeatic, changing clues with a baggermalster, the hejirite had fled, silentioussuemeant under night’s altosonority, shipalone, a raven of the wave, (be mercy, Mara! A he whence Rahoulas!) from the ostmen’s dirtby on the old vic, to forget in expiating manslaughter and, reberthing in remarriment out of dead seekness to devine previdence, (if you are looking for the bilder deep your ear on the movietone!) to league his lot, palm and patte, with a papishee. For mine qvinne I thee giftake and bind my hosenband I thee halter. The wastobe land, a lottuse land, a luctuous land, Emeraldilluim, the peasant pastured, in which by the fourth commandment with promise his days apostolic were to be long by the abundant mercy of Him Which Thundereth From On High, murmured, would rise against him with all which in them were, franchisables and inhabitands, astea as agora, helotsphilots, do him hurt, poor jink, ghostly following bodily, as were he made a curse for them, the corruptible lay quick, all saints of incorruption of an holy nation, the common or ere-in-garden castaway, in red resurrection to condemn so they might convince him, first pharoah, Humpheres Cheops Exarchas, of their proper sins. Business bred to speak with a stiff upper lip to all men and most occasions the Man we wot of took little short of fighting chances but for all that he or his or his care were subjected to the horrors of the premier terror of Errorland. (perorhaps!)
5)他或他或他的家人必遭受“恐怖” 。